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Can't Sleep

Posted on 24 May 2009 @ 7:34am by

146 words; about a 1 minute read


Webb returned from the holodeck, he was exhausted. He had not been able to sleep for two days without wearing himself out and when the dream came, he wished he could wake up. Webb got out of the shower and retrieved the Padd.

"Begin Recording........Personal log"

"The last three nights, I have had the same Borg dream, seeing my family die and getting assimilated. Tonight will be no different. Maria would normal contact me via subspace but since the first dream and the feelings that I have after remembering, I can't talk to her, not yet."

"I think that I will go talk to the councilor tomorrow and see if he can help."


Webb began to feel very tired and he closed his eyes to stop them from burning........

Four years ago..........

USS Taft

Deep Space

(bridge chatter)

"Red alert, shields up.....................



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