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Posted on 21 Jul 2009 @ 10:17am by

219 words; about a 1 minute read

Well, got arrested again, and they cut me loose from the training center the second I made bail, sending me to fly shuttles on the USS Freedom. It's Majestic class and has one of those Aerowing Runabouts, hoping I get to fly that, though the higher-ups seemed pretty pissed off this time, so I'll probably be flying a supply shuttle or something. This is a good thing though, getting out into space can't be bad for my career, at least, not as bad as I seem to be for it.

Anyway, this last arrest was a total crock, I didn't do a damned thing wrong. I was defending myself! Minding my own business, right, when this fracking Cardie steps up and she pushes me out of my seat, so I popped her in the mouth with my glass. Next thing I know I'm being told I've assaulted some sort of diplomat and I'm being dragged off to the brig. Fracking Cardie skank should've kept her hands off of me and she wouldn't have gotten hit. Apparently someone's Daddy called my boss and started raising Hell about it until I got removed from my post. Whatever.

So, I'm off to the Freedom, hopefully to fly an aerowing and not be arrested too often.

-End Log


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