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Hurry Up and Wait

Posted on 12 Feb 2014 @ 4:05am by Lieutenant Atri Bi'trell

162 words; about a 1 minute read

"Chief Medical Officer's Log, Personal...

"I have just been assigned to the position of Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Achilles. I've been fighting for an assignment like this since before I left the Academy, so this is huge. I'm in my quarters, now... much nicer than the ones on Earth. Unfortunately, I haven't checked in on Sickbay, yet, since I'm waiting for Motat and the rest of my things to be delivered. I've been using the time to go over my new staff's records; hopefully Momo gets here before I start getting into the crew's medical records.

"Apparently a lot of the crew are under some investigations regarding their last mission, but I'm not sure what exactly for. Hopefully nothing too serious... though I doubt the Admiral would be taking on new crew if it were an issue. At any rate, I'm looking forward to meeting the rest of the crew and getting the ball rolling on my duties.

"End Log."


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