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High Hopes for the Stars

Posted on 22 Jan 2014 @ 7:45pm by Lieutenant Atri Bi'trell

219 words; about a 1 minute read

"Personal Log... Lieutenant Atri Bi'trell.

"I'm packing! Maybe I shouldn't be packing, it's just an interview; but I'm packing! A notice was sent out just an hour ago... or so... was it an hour? Um, that the Achilles... I think it was... let me check..."

Distant rustling.

"Yeah, the Achilles is in need of a Chief Medical Officer!" She giggles tensely for a moment. "Ahh, Commander Richter gave me the news, and had already submitted my application aaand... I guess they liked what they saw. I don't know. I have a good track record, even if it is a little short. I wonder if they have any Parrises Squares players on-board... maybe they need me for their team."

Clothes being quickly and noisily shoved into a suitcase.

"Hey, Momo. Yes. Yes, you're coming, too."

A high-pitched meow.

"Yes, mama has to go first, but then you can come, okay? Oh-Kay? Yes, cold nose. Uh-huh... oh, great." Atri sighs. "Momo, you ruined my log entry."

Atri coughs.

"I'm heading up to the Achilles for my initial interview with the CO. I'm feeling confident, but a little nervous. Commander Richter thinks it's a sure thing, and he's usually right about this sort of thing, so... I'm hopeful. I'm really looking forward to getting back out into the stars, again. End log."


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