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Going Aboard

Posted on 20 Jan 2014 @ 11:54pm by 2nd Lieutenant Zak Keevon

254 words; about a 1 minute read

"Well, this is finally it. I'll be aboard the Achilles within the hour to begin my first assignment since commissioning...and since losing Karina. It's hard to say whether I'm looking forward to it or dreading it. Probably both.

I understand I've been assigned to a newly created position, so I'll be blazing a trail here. It should be very interesting, and if it goes well it could be a chance to really contribute something for a change. It's about time I get to do something that actually matters instead of taking out individual Jem'Hadar and never accomplishing a thing.

On the other hand, the rumors back at the Starbase about half the crew being in front of a court-martial in a week were more than a little disturbing. There's no way to know yet how much is true, but I've found that Starfleet types aren't usually very good at keeping things like this secret. Whatever they did recently, it sure seems to have caused a stir. On the other hand, this might be another way to make myself useful. With Starfleet's insistence on assigning random officers with no legal training as counsel when someone is accused of a crime, I may well be the most qualified person they have available.

Well, no point in wondering about it. It's time to get moving. I'll find out what's going on on the Achilles soon enough. Which reminds me, I need to read up on that Achilles character, apparently his story is significant to the humans."


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