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Life resumes

Posted on 12 Dec 2013 @ 3:31pm by Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu

227 words; about a 1 minute read

I have therapy for another month but I have to hand it to the Medical team onboard, I never imagined I would be able to run again, much less pass my physical, but today I did it. I qualify for light duty again, and am expected to make a full recovery. There was a caveat I can only imagine was the work of Teresa however, I have been ordered to attend trauma counseling. We are picking up a specialist on Earth, Elas Vonti. I have to have his approval before I can return to full duty, but I cannot imagine what anyone hopes to accomplish by this. I understand myself, and don't need the intervention of some specialist to tell what I already know. I have been through hell, I have lost loved ones, I have seen atrocities and committed atrocities so what can be accomplished by dredging up the past?
I only keep these logs as a weekly mandate from my last Counselor on the Hood, may she rest in peace. But the picture they paint upon review is one of duty and sacrifice, I put my vitality and youth into service and am now past my prime. I understand and accept this, and do not lament it. For now I have an investigation to occupy my time until this dance with medical ends.

End Log


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