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Aftermath thoughts

Posted on 15 Dec 2013 @ 3:22pm by

249 words; about a 1 minute read

"Computer, begin recording.

Another boring personal log entry, so don't expect much. The Achilles has survived it's brush with whatever the heck it was that knocked us for a loop and displaced the ship's Command Staff. The rumor mill is humming with unverifiable information as usual, mostly centered around what they imagine the Temporal Investigations Department at HQ will do.

Returning to earth is always a mixed event, because it's nice to see home, just going to be nothing to go to this time. Matt is deployed and won't be here, and with both of us finally through training, mom and dad decided to take a vacation to Risa for the holidays. Since a larger portion of the crew seems to be going downside, I guess I'll have some quiet around here...well, relatively speaking. Maybe I should look into taking some courses for our next deployment and advancement. Might have to check with my squad leader, but the last time I asked about that, it was thrown to the SgtMaj.

I did just receive my grades for the distance courses I finished, and I'm not totally thrilled with the results. Mainly, the B in the math course was disappointing, I though I was for sure working at an A level. Field Dynamics and High Energy Physics went pretty well, so I'm academically pretty sound right now. Think the next set will be back to technology classes.

Oops, there's my duty alarm. Time to get going. Computer, End Recording."


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