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Investigation Log Entry 1

Posted on 04 Dec 2013 @ 5:47pm by Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu
Edited on 11 Dec 2013 @ 8:35pm

675 words; about a 3 minute read

Statement from Victim: Suteyo Alahanu Lt jg.

I had notified Ensign Lema Rogers to meet me in Cargo Bay 2 for an explanation, we are carrying fissile material for dilithium regeneration there, but manifest was short of what was physically present. While I was performing a second count after contacting Rogers, a container was loosed, if it had struck the ground hard, it would have been a radioactive contamination for the whole deck to evacuate from. I had thought myself to be alone in the Cargo Bay but with clarification from Elas I can now remember clearly how the crate moved when it fell. Nothing to the left or right even budged, it was the one crate and it moved in short bursts. It was pushed and it would have put the crew in danger had I not softened its impact with my body... which was not my goal, merely the outcome. A simple inventory anomaly I was checking into has now turned into a hunt for a fleet or civilian crewman on board with a taste for murder

I didnt know what to think at first. My therapy is hard enough to focus through, the crushing injuries don't knit evenly and ache constantly. I saw the Chief Counselor Elas Vonti, who despite my objections helped me piece some memory fragments together. I remember enough now to open an investigation into my attack, as I believe that to be the case. Ensign Lema Rogers was my first suspect but internal sensors show she was at her post when I hailed her and had not even reached the Cargo bay in time, she had however been the one to call in my accident and was first witness to the scene. An interview with her would reveal more information but I am unable to get out of sickbay, the machines holding me here are also keeping me alive.
END statement

The facts at play at this moment are as follows:

There are three extra 2000Kilo containers of Fissile Material

The extra three serial numbers are in sequence themselves but out of sequence with the rest which are subsequently correct in their sequences.

The time the crates arrived coincided with recent repairs at Starbase 80.

Loadmaster at Starbase 80 confirms inventory count allocated to Achilles, no other shipments on record. These three had to have been moved on board at time of re-stock.

Records indicate two crates present aboard the Achilles at time immediately prior to docking at SB 80, not the tag numbers of three crates in question. The two remaining older crates were removed and recycled. serials confirm deletion.

Ensign Lema Rogers confirmed inventory prior to arrival, and confirmed delivery after repairs. Interview still pending.

Upon contacting Ensign Rogers a crate was dislodged directly over me and would have killed me had I not noticed when I did.
There was a person in the Cargo Bay, though sensors show no crew, and all on duty personnel were accounted for. Process of elimination by distance and witness leaves a pool of twenty three potential candidates with access to communications, ships stores, and a lack of confirmed whereabouts for the moments before the time shift with proximity to the Cargo Bay.

Conclusions: These three crates were placed aboard by mistake or design, a mistake usually reveals itself in the redundancies, a designed plan would cover its tracks. Estimated sale value is considerable, but there are easier and more lucrative items to smuggle and sell. Materials would fetch the most value to low warp civilizations still unable to synthesize compounds with properties like Dilithium, or to low tech warships requiring warhead materiel. My report to Chief Radhe will detail a planned approach to narrowing the suspect while allowing for secret investigations as well as a protective detail for the witnesses involved, Loadmaster at SB 80, Ensign Rogers, Elas Vonti.

It is by the grace of good fortune I am alive, and I will not miss out on my adventure. This is my job now, so I am ready to get to it.



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