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Just a short note.

Posted on 24 Apr 2013 @ 12:00am by Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski

229 words; about a 1 minute read

Hey again,

How are classes going? You still have problems with that quantum stuff? I could probably run your course material past one of our engineering guys and get you a real-life answer to how that works.

Good to hear that hoverrail accident wasn't as bad as the media were saying it was. The way Federation News Network was talking, you'd think half of Okecie was in that train.

You know Tenaka, right? My radioman and right hand, because she's sharper than carrots? (By the way, what the heck does that mean? Maybe one of your professors can explain it to me.) She went and got herself in trouble. Bar fight on the planet, apparently beat the s*** out of a bunch of civvies. I'm almost tempted to make her go to Counseling, because she knows better than pulling stunts like that. Least she could have done was not get caught.

Sorry I haven't recorded anything lately, I've been mad busy running training. We're going on a mission, but nothing like the Lobo's last one. Or so rumor says, but like Tenaka tells me, rumor can be a lying b****. Plus Murphy's Law and all that.

Recording interrupted, then resumes.

Love you, have to go. Apparently the Security guys want my help beating Sarnek and Whelan at Call of Duty 23.

Love you even after the death of the universe.


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