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Posted on 23 Apr 2013 @ 10:45pm by Lieutenant Lucas Mason

235 words; about a 1 minute read

Personal Log, Starbase 67310.9, Lieutenant Lucas Mason recording.

Shore leave on Starbase 80 was both relaxing and refreshing, especially after all the stuff that happened to us on our last mission. The Achilles herself was hurt in a big way, but the engineers at the starbase's repair facility seemed to have been up to the task and she seems just like where I boarded her.

We just got underway for our latest mission. It promises to be a lot more low key compared to our last one, at least that is what the Admiral promised, but knowing the Achilles, we will in for our own share of adventure. If we don't find it, it seems to seek us out.

There is one other thing that has surprised me, the change in rank from Lieutenant JG to full Lieutenant is a lot more than I expected it to be. I was grateful to receive my second full pip, but I didn't think it would have an impact on my job, but it has. You aren't treated as a junior officer any more, still trying to figure things out, people expect you to know what you are doing, especially if you are a department head. Superior officers treat you a bit more like a colleague. I can only image what it is like when you get bumped up higher, when real responsibilities are placed on you shoulders.

End Entry.


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