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Catching up

Posted on 24 Apr 2013 @ 6:34pm by

360 words; about a 2 minute read

Sitting down at his rack, Jason checked the subspace mail system, and was not all that surprised to see a note from both his brother and his father waiting to be heard. Ten minutes later, his face was about as bright red as it could be, and he was alternating between embarrassment and laughter.

Taking a moment to bring his composure and color back to normal, he figured to head this one off before more rumors caused trouble.

"Computer, begin personal correspondence.

Dad, Matt. Ok, let's get this over with. You two obviously received some very...garbled stories of what happened. How you two already know is beyond me, so let me set the record straight here and now.

Yes, I was in a club fight, not a bar fight. There was NO alcohol in my system. Yes, we were arrested and hauled to the local jail, only to be released by the Admiral and Captain. Not how I wanted to come to the Admiral's notice by the way. I sustained light injuries, mostly a bruise or two and a cut above the eye. The aftermath on board has been minimal.

The NCO's have been...inventive in punishment, mostly consisting of a lack of sleep and some manual work details for the last few days. I think I know most of the major areas of the ship I have clearance for now, intimately. Apparently the major crime we committed, per the Admiral, was getting caught, not the fight itself. I think the lack of alcohol has worked in everyone's favor, though it's hard to tell being the junior most involved in the incident.

There's a Recon group on board, seem to be mostly decent, but my interaction with them has been limited. Hopefully with the upcoming mission, I can get back to work on my courses. I may have changed to Rifleman, but I still want to keep up with the technical stuff and start working on the armorer courses, pending approval from my chain of command.

Alright, you know the meat of the situation. Time to go do some PT and then try for sleep.

End Correspondence and Transmit."


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