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Musing of a tired tinkerer

Posted on 13 Apr 2013 @ 10:45pm by Lieutenant Hank Stevens

138 words; about a 1 minute read

"Chief engineers personal log recorded by chief engineer Lieut. Hank Stevens.
Well my first day on the Achilles is winding down and Our launch is ever closer. Never did I expect so many little things to come along with the job of chief engineer of a starship.

Gronk, My chief petty officer of engineering, Is a true wonder . He is a Ferengi for sure but is a hard worker.

Almost all major items are completed all that remain are a few minor repairs that can be made in transit. I am curious as to why this artifact is so important that they send us halfway across universe to prevent a possible confrontation?

Only time will tell if this is worth it"

"End personal log recording" Stevens told the computer.


Lieut. Hank Stevens
Chief engineer
USS Achilles


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