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Here we go, again (back post)

Posted on 10 Jan 2013 @ 5:03pm by

399 words; about a 2 minute read

Personal Log
“Computer, begin log entry.

I’m currently sitting in a room on this transport, waiting to be transferred to the USS Achilles at Starbase 80 and my report in date. I guess the easiest thing to say is that I never expected to be here.

When I made the decision and got it approved to go from Artificing to Infantry, I fully expected to go back to Aleron and continue where I left off. Not that going back to do SOI was easy by any means considering my primary instructor was a friend of and trained by my dad, so he knew me quite well. All said though, I think I’m a bit happier now than I was in Artificing, but only time will tell. SSgt Ross was in a good mood when they handed us the orders, because he jokingly told me that “the Achilles is fitting for you because it’s a Multivector ship, which matches your multiple skill-set training.†Typical Marine humor, and that’s one thing I am apparently never going to live down. I did spend my time in transit to here going over the combat medic course. Figured since I already know a little of Comms and Sensors, a lot of Artificing, Rifleman, and Heavy/Support weapons now, I could be more useful with a bit more knowledge. Whether my new CO will agree with that or not, is up in the air. The one thing I do have to be careful of is falling into the classic “jack of all trades, master of none†trap, though I’ll still wait and see what the Marine CO or my platoon leader wants me to do or not do.

On a personal note, Dad was thrilled that I changed to Infantry. Thinking through, it was probably his fault I got put into more heavy weapons roles during SOI, though being the right size and strength probably helped. Matt is at the academy now, and decided to stay out there and “study†during the break. Yeah right. I didn’t have the nerve in front of dad to ask him exactly what he was studying, but I bet it has more to do with the blonde that was in the background than his course material. Oops, there’s my notice, time to get off this thing and get going.

Computer, end log entry.â€


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