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Posted on 26 Dec 2012 @ 6:48pm by Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski

575 words; about a 3 minute read

Personal Log/Letter to Milena Damiecki, Stardate 67593.67, Sergeant Philip Kazmierski recording
(translated from Polish and expletives altered)

Hello love,

Your letter was a freaking ray of sunshine in the toilet that I'm living in right now. I'm moving ships, but not by choice. The Lobo was attacked three weeks ago. Don't worry, I'm fine, but whoever decided that it was a good idea to send an exploratory ship into a war zone should get beat for being an idiot. Sure, we had more weaponry that a 21st century prepper, but we couldn't take on two Kzinti battleships. I guess it's grace of God that they decided to board us instead of blowing us into vapor.

So yeah, we fought them all the way back to the engines. Us, security, if you weren't fighting them you were dying. Except for this one guy, admin guy from Operations. He hid in the lounge toilet. Guess Kzinti don't bother to look and see if someone's in the stall, because that's where we found him later. We lost half the crew, including the commander. Highest ranking officer was the Engineering head, but man, she held the fort. Me, her and this petty officer from Security knocked together this plan that had us using the transporter to zip people behind the boarding parties to hit them and run. Freaking clever, kept a good bunch of us alive until Tenaka got a couple other ships to come save us. And here I was giving her schiesse about taking her manpack communicator.

Like I said, don't worry, I'm still in one piece. We made it to Starbase 80 and were hustled off for questioning by everybody from JAG to the intel geeks. Rumor says that some of Lobo's command might be getting court martialed. I hope that rumor's just being a lying b****, because unless they raise the dead, it's that woman from Engineering, some guy from Personnel, that Security guy and me.

Oh yeah, by the way, I got hit with our new orders for some ship called the Achilles.

Yeah, you heard that our right. What's left of my team is also going with me. Unless they've got someone over on the Achilles to head things up, I guess I'm going to be in charge because Staff Sergeant Alenis is dead, as is Sergeant MacKieron. I'm s*** scared, but don't tell anyone I said that. My people need me to be my cool, calm, unflappable self, not some idiot running around screaming “Oh God, we're gonna die!†I don't know why they did a unit relocation, except maybe because the Lobo is so broken Starfleet decided to just move the entire group to another ship that needed more Marines.

So how's things back home? Is my Mom still working on that freaky looking mural of hers? And how's your uncle's knee surgery working out? You'd think that after all this time they'd have something better than an artificial joint for him. Like they'd grow something in a tank or something.

Oh hey, is that professor of yours still being an a*****e? Wait till you get your grades then tell him I'm going to beat the s*** out of him. He sounds like a creepster. Hundred year old man needs to find someone closer to his own age who isn't committed to hit on.

Record something soon. I miss hearing your voice.

Love you till the death of the universe,


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