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Posted on 22 Feb 2013 @ 9:23pm by Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski

155 words; about a 1 minute read

Personal Log/Letter to Milena Damiecki, Sergeant Philip Kazmierski recording
(translated from Polish and expletives altered)

Hey love,

You won't believe this schiesse, but I got promoted! Yeah, me. I guess things are looking up, right? Yeah, I've already sent something to my Mom and Dad telling them about it, you don't need to remind me.

There wasn't much of a promotion ceremony, the CO did the ceremony at a morning accountability formation. I'm going to attach the holo to this so you can see your man in action.

Not much else going on, really. The ship's being refurbished, so we're all on some sort of admin work or taking leave. Me, I'm doing training planning. I've got this office I share with another recon Sergeant, he seems cool. I'm going to see if he wants to grab a few after duty today.

Love you, have to run. Doing some training on the holodeck.



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