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Posted on 01 Nov 2012 @ 10:01pm by Lieutenant Lucas Mason

381 words; about a 2 minute read

Personal Log, Stardate 67442.4, Lieutenant Lucas Mason recording.

That's right, I said Lieutenant, period. No "JG" or "Junior Grade" attached any more. After we docked at Starbase 80, Commodore Da'nal asked me to come and see him in his Ready Room, I guess he was feeling generous after his own promotion to Commodore, because he passed me a box with a full second rank pip and congratulated me. And also tasked me with procuring a couple of new craft for the Achilles. It kind of felt like Christmas because he also informed me that I was awarded the Flying Cross, "For repeatedly demonstrating superior piloting skills during the Kzinti War Joint Mission. Most notably during the rescue of the IKS D`ama to include the near flawless execution of the improvised "Da`nal Maneuver." I guess that means he thinks I am an okay pilot. I've heard it said that false humility is not a virtue, I know I am good at flying, but I am not sure I am good as people have said I am. Sometimes I think it is more of not living up to my potential. I guess I should stop doubting my superiors assessments of me and accept their praise as genuine. That being said, I still find it a bit uncomfortable, shouldn't everyone be performing to the best of their abilities? Okay, enough waxing poetically. I should contact my mother and father, especially now that we are no longer under radio silence and no longer in a combat zone. I am not sure what they will say. My parents are some of the most critical people I know. I still love them but I feel I have spent my entire life trying to live up to their expectations. I don't know if I have ever come close because they have never said so. Even after my "exile" and eventual return it seems like they still expected me to move the worlds. I wonder will I ever get out from beyond the shadow of my parents and family, or will it just be something that will be a part of me all my life and that I will eventually grow in to. It would be nice to know now so I could start working towards it.

End Entry.


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