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My Return

Posted on 08 Apr 2011 @ 12:37am by

437 words; about a 2 minute read

Chief Engineers Personal log, supplemental

"Well I finally slept in my own quarters last night, spent the last few days getting the ship transformed from sick, twisted metal that had been torn apart by a sadistic, ruthless enemy. It was held together by a crew that would stop at nothing, never give up and would see to it that they survived. Thats when my work began. Thanks to volunteers and my grinding mindset, the ship is almost 2 days ahead of repair schedule. Not bad for a rusty Lieutenant. Something tells me though that I'm going to have to ease up on some of my Officers. I'm so used to dealing with all men, all ready to fight. My time on the Breen front changed me forever, and now I face a new enemy. One capable of unimaginable death and destruction, something that must be stopped. However as long as I can return the Achilles to it's form of a craft that swiftly deals death, it's sleek, gorgeous form taking to the stars once again, I think I can live with offending a few of my staff for the time being.

The Captain is a man of few words, but stern. He has the right mindset of a leader this ship needs. Do as your told, and move out. Now only if I could get in a few jumps along with everything else for old times sake. A young Orion Ensign I have certainly provides plenty of spunk and life into our department, one that I'll have to watch, but don't expect too much trouble from as I now have someone else that I think can help me out with her. Eva, my Assistant Chief has made her move. She spent the night last night, tended to my injuries. Her infatuation for me is mutual however. We'll see how things develope as they should make for some interesting discussions. I did however wakeup this morning to find her gone and some coffee waiting for me on my end table.

Speaking of coffee, the ships second officer certainly has an eye for the opposite sex. I see the woman for 5 seconds and she's leaning against me in a rather "flirtatious" fashion. She owes me a drink, a debt I intend to collect. Aside from the rest of the Engineering staff, I haven't interacted with alot of the rest of the personnel. Then again, it's not like we don't have a war to return to.

On a more personal note, I need to remember to contact my family before we head out again. I haven't talked to them for awhile..."


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