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Life on Ship a Bit Interesting

Posted on 17 Jan 2011 @ 2:59pm by Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

161 words; about a 1 minute read

"Personal log... Well I must say, this ship will not be boring. I've already had 2 officers in sickbay with injuries. One decided to turn off the safties on the holodeck. The other, another holodeck injury, was caused during a training exercise. Both have been released. The first with strict warnings about turning off the holodeck safties. I doubt he will listen.

Vicki is not a happy camper right now. She wishes to spend time with me, but I have been on duty. We're going to spend time on the holodeck, when I get off duty. Going to have to put my personal wishes aside for awhile. I'm fine with that, she is my number one priority.

I met a cute Marine on the beach, while on a brief shore leave. He's asked me to dinner, and I'll go, but we'll not be able to spend a lot of time together tonight. If he's still interested afterwards, we'll see where things go.


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