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Personnel Log Alpha One - Transition to USS Achilles

Posted on 14 Feb 2012 @ 3:34am by 1st Lieutenant Corisk Malluk

119 words; about a 1 minute read

After the shakedown cruise of the USS Valiant was completed; Corisk was quickly reassigned to a campaign on the USS Achilles. Writing this log enroute abourd a Corvallian frieghter; he contemplates his new position of XO. Yes he was the Marine CO and Special Response Team Alpha Leader, so this being a Demotion is hard on his honor. But he is doing what he is breed and trained to do. Kill and to do it well. Arriving on the USS Achilles after shuttling over he finds himself a bunk in the general Barracks; never having been one to sleep alone or not in the barracks. He pulls out his Mek'leth and begins to sharpen it. While writing this log.


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