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Acting Captain's Log

Posted on 27 Sep 2010 @ 7:48pm by

252 words; about a 1 minute read

Acting Captain's Log

It's not often that Lahtikah Jean has to face defeat....I very often get just what I want. The days when I get whatever it is, I do so with a grin because everything is the way it should be. But today, there is a discrepancy....something is not as it should be...I'm not happy, and that's a damn big problem....

I sit here completely shamed. The scowl on my face, stunningly beautiful and yet intimidating as it may be, hardly conveys the embarrassment and unbridled resentment I feel when I think that a little runt of a vessel like that humbled a mighty Prometheus Class saucer under MY command. It won't happen again..

I never thought that two officers could be taken under MY command.. one on MY Bridge no less than, and only 4 meters away from me, and all I do is sit there on my ass watching, mouth agape. It won't happen again.

Whoever piloted that little bucket of a ship is on my shit list today. I DON'T like losing, I DON'T like not getting what I want....and right now I want the crew back and I want me rematch! This will never happen again...

Life is not about the's about the end that is achieved as a result. Today, that ending did not suit me well. Before this mission is out, Lahtikah Jean Phoenix-Patil will get EXACTLY what she wants... and make hell for ANYONE who says otherwise.

End Log


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