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Back in the Uniform

Posted on 08 Sep 2010 @ 10:33am by

270 words; about a 1 minute read

Personal log: Stardate 65292.21
Well, here I am again holding my breath and squeezing into these too tight uniforms. They've changed them since the last time I wore one; I think I like the old ones better.
Not sure what to expect from this new assignment, and honestly, it's been so long since I've been out of Starfleet that I'm not sure how I'll get on with a whole ship full of uniforms. Let's be honest here: I don't have the most amazing track record, not on paper anyway. Dismissed from every assignment, a long leave of absence, and anything commendable I have done is locked away under "classified intel." It's almost like starting over, one little gold dot telling the world about either my lack of experience or my lack of effort. But with me it doesn't mean either of these things...
It was Admiral Paris who called me out of nowhere to tell me that Starfleet might be in need of someone with my peculiar set of "talents." I can't believe they got him to call, I mean, I don't think any two people have ever gotten along worse in the history of the cosmos. They must have offered him some cushy post somewhere, but with the stipulation: you have to be the one to call Crystal to tell her to come back. Ha.
Well, here I am, on my new home for the next who knows how long. I've got a lot of catching up to do and a lot of people to meet. Let's see if I can manage not to estrange all of them...

*End Communication*


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