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Lieutenant Melanie Hemmingway's Personal Log Stardate 65246.79

Posted on 22 Aug 2010 @ 8:19pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

274 words; about a 1 minute read

The death of Talar is sinking in and the wounds that have been left by hearing the news are raw and fresh. I shave vowed that I will wear the bracelet that he has given me for the rest of my life. I may love again but he was the first man that protected me from the dangers around my life when I was too young or weak to take care of those dangers on my own. I wake up in the morning and my mind plays tricks on me, I can almost smell his cologne on the pillow next to mine. My heart breaks when I realise that he isn't there to comfort me, or make me laugh.

I still have not regained my memories and I fear that they are lost forever. I have gone over the medical reports from the starbase and from what I can see there is no treatment. I dont' remember any of my friends from that time. People come up to me and smile but I not only can I see the sadness in their eyes, I can feel it as well for the friend that they lost. They have been understanding and...gracious but some do not understand. I do not blame anyone for that, I cannot.

I surround myself with my work so that I forget about the things that I cannot control or the things that seem to be so far out of reach and that helps...until I come back to my quarters and I am on my own again.

I am a stranger among my friends and in my life.

End Log.


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