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Arrival on USS Achilles

Posted on 06 Aug 2010 @ 12:27am by

394 words; about a 2 minute read

(MD 1 - 20:00 hours)


"Computer, Begin Log."

From the moment I came on board with Edom, I was told to meet with the Captain. I was a littler nervous at first. I don't usually introduce Edom to others so quickly before meeting them myself. It turns out that the Klingon Captain is actually quite a sweet man. He treated Edom's questions with sensitivity and respect. I was very impressed with him. If he were not already in a committed relationship..well.. I know that I have been avoiding relationships since Edom was born, but I would be willing to break my rules for someone as responsible as the Captain.

I met a few of the other crew members, including the Captain's mate and his adorable twins. I also met the Chief Engineer Officer and some of the marine officers. The CEO is quickly becoming one of my friends. I admit that Jessica seems to have made some pretty impulsive decisions. It's opposition with my own opinion of how life should be lived. However- everyone is entitled to their own opinions and their own decisions. Jessica engaged in a one night stand and foolishly ended up marrying the person and she has decided to stay married.

What could I do for someone who was becoming my friend? I told her that I would put a Bachelorette Party for her. She was excited to hear about it, and although it will be quite a bit of work- I'm looking forward to it. I only hope that enough women will come and enough of them will participate.

I also met with the Chief Flight Control officer, Wandella. She was a nice woman, just a little odd. She allowed me to look over her control for a bit before the ship left dock.

I feel like this ship needs me, and I feel a lot more comfortable on this ship- knowing that others are accepting of my son, Edom. Edom has mainly been on good behavior. Of child is perfect, but I am blessed for the child that I have. I want to be able to give him everything I can to help him grow into a responsible man. I feel like he can definitely accomplish that aboard the Achilles.


"Computer, End log and save."


Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


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