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First Days on USS Weatherbey

Posted on 02 May 2010 @ 2:31pm by

164 words; about a 1 minute read

Engineers log, Star date 64326.5

My first mission on board the USS Weatherbey has been a disastrous one. The crew I meet not even a week ago are now no more from what I have seen of the crew they appear to be controlled by what I do not know, luckily I am not alone in my attempt to hide from those who were once my companions I meet Retired Admiral Caecus Romehl, and Ltjg. Jake Rosenthal they both give me hope that I can get off the Weatherbey, even though it is good to remain optimistic I have to think of all possible scenarios unfortunately the bad scenarios out way the good. I am sure if I never make it off this ship this log will never be read, but in the event that the log makes it and I do not, I want the universe to know what happened on board the USS Weatherbey during what was to be a simple survey mission...


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