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decision decisions Stardate:64900.72

Posted on 18 Apr 2010 @ 11:02am by

148 words; about a 1 minute read

As I record this log log I have to make the most important decision... The freedom has been my home for quiet some time for over 11 months I was injured quietly severely just after my arrival aboard ship... the Medical staff didn't think I was gonna make it through but some how I did... Dr Hemmingway was a great help in my recovery... Whilst we were deep inside Romulan sapce some thin shocked me so badly... Melanie was injured she died on the bio bed but thanks to my quick thinking with the use of nanites she survived.

My mother was murdered nearly two weeks ago... I don't think I should Stay with in Starfleet but this is my problem is do Is stay in Starfleet or resign and take a Medical post as Civilian or back to being a Marine....

Stay or go? What do i do.


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