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Meeting the CO

Posted on 18 Jun 2009 @ 11:56am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,243 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: USS Freedom
Timeline: Back Post - Day 2

Shorty following the Freedom' arrival....

Cas had waited for the ship to dock and was thinking about the young ensign she had saved.

Da`nal walked rspidly to get to Ops and report, and to find out what had happened to his family as an officer approached him. Continuing his pace he indicated for her to follow. "Yes Lieutenant?"

"My name is Casiday Taylor your new medical officer." she said with a smile "here are my orders." she handed him the PADD.

The next day....

Cas was getting the lay of the ship and decided to go for walk... she did not see the Commander when she walked into him. "Sorry Commander." she said as she blushed.

Stepping back from their collision. He had been thinking and was not paying attention himself. "No harm done Lieutenant....."

"No sir."

"Ah Well Lt. Taylor I'm sure Dr. Hemmingway was delighted to get some help in sickby. Have you spoken to her yet?"

"No sir i have not yet that was where I was heading there now."

"Excellent. How long have you been on board?"

"Not too long sir. if you'll excuse me." she said lil did she know what was going to happen.

"I'll come with you. I need to stop by there anyway."

"Thats fine sir... I am looking forwrd serving..." there was an explsosion to Casiday's right "Help."

The two of then had been passing a technician working on a power conduit when something went wrong. The technician took the full force of the blast, killing him instantly. His body and other debris flew towards them hitting Cassidy and throwing her into Da`nal.

Through the smoke he found her blood flowing from the sever head wound, no doubt she had other internal injuries but that was not his expertice. Quickly removing his jacket to slow the flow of blood as he called for medical assistance. "MEDICAL TEAM TO DECK 5 SECTION 32 NOW!!!" As he pressed the fabric against her skull he felt the grinding of skull bone...

"Hang in there Lieutenant....helps on the way"

Cas could hear the Commander and wispred "let me go please." she said in pain....

"I'm on my way!" Melanie said over the comm. "Ensign Logan you're with me. Nancy you're in charge until I return." Melanie grabbed the med kit and the ensign and both started running to the call for help.

"What happened Commander?" She asked kneeling next to the woman pulling out a tricorder while Logan checked the others.

Still shaking off the effects of the blast himself he replied. "The power conduit blew....your new doctor and the technician took the full force of the blast."

"Are you alright?" Melanie asked Da'nal. She started scanning Casiday, she had a severe skull fracture and second and third degree burns. Logan returned to Melanie's side and started scanning the Captain. "The technician is dead." He told her.

"doc... i am sorry we had to meet like this......" she went quiet she was loosing her fight.....

"Nonsense. You will be fine." But Melanie had seen people with injuries like Casiday's before and they didn't survive.

Da`nal had been hurt worse, his head was ringing still. "I'll be fine."

"If you are able I need you to carry her to sickbay. She is pretty bad shape....or carry her to where we can get transported to sickbay."

"The shorter we have to move her the better...." Moving gently ans slowly as to not cause greater injury.

Casiday was very quiet and "do........" she was almost comatosted

"Hush Casiday." Melanie soothed. She felt the pain from both her and the captain. They moved slowly and once they got past the initial blast point Melanie and Logan activated the site to site transport.

Melanie watched Da'nal put Casiday on the bio bed and she went immediately to work on her.

Logan ushered the Captain to another biobed and began to treat his wounds.

" here now! I need you stabilize her heart and breathing...start treating the burns on her lungs and I will take care of the head trauma.

"Casiday honey...I'm going to sedate you now. I know it hurts but hold on...I'll make you feel better." She spoke to the woman as she would a small child. Melanie felt nothing but fear and pain from the woman and it was the only way to soothe her until Melanie could get to work.

"ok." cas was scared "the commander?"

"He will be fine...close your eyes." Melanie whispered and injected Casiday with a sedative and she and Melody when to work.

Da`nal turned his head as he watched them medical staff work on the young officer. The thoughts running through his head turned to the incidents on the station. Sabotage.

There was a hypo pressed to his neck and his head began to clear. He moved to rise put was stopped. "Let me up. The ship..."

"The ship is fine. Sir, you have a concussion and shapnel. The sooner you let me work the sooner you get out off here."

Da`nal nodded as he layed back. While his injuries were being treated he called out. "How is she Doctor?"

"Second degree burns in her lungs...severe skull fracture, lacerations...she isn't out of the woods by any means..." She replied.


A short time later.

Da`nal stood to the side speaking with asecurity and engineering officer concerning the damage. Initial reports pointed to simple carlessness, but he wasn't convinced. "I want an indepth analysis. The agents that iniltrated the station may have come aboard. Tell T'Pal I want a thorough examination of every person assigned to the ship."

"Yes sir."

Nodding towards the door the two left as he turned to the Doctor as she came out of the surgical bay.

"Well Sir...she was lucky you were there with her. I don't think she would have survived to make it into sickbay. "

"How bad is it?"

"Casiday is not out of the woods by any means...her brain is swollen and any medication that I try and bring down the swelling doesn't work. I have had to remove the section of her skull that was completely crushed and mold her a new piece...I haven't put it back in place simply because the swelling. The only thing that I have managed to stop is the bleeding." Melanie sighed, she sounded defeated. "Her lungs are in better shape but not by much, as she isn't breating on her own yet. As for the rest of her burns, I have treated them as best I could...there will be more operations I'm afraid.

"You two were very lucky...I just hope that she pulls through."

~If this turned out to be the work of one of Nniol's lackeies...~ Da`nal thought.

"I want you back in sickbay as have suffered a serious concussion and I want to check to make sure everything is still alright."

Having been married to a doctor he knew better than to argue the point. "I'll be back in before the end of the day....and if I feel at all 'off' I'll be in sooner."

It was at that precise momnet Cas body stared to give up.... the alarms went off.

Da`nal watch as The medical staff sprang into action yet again.


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway

Ltjg. Casiday Taylor


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