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Last stand - Marines...It's Over !!

Posted on 22 Oct 2012 @ 9:30pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & 1st Lieutenant Corisk Malluk & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

1,667 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Planet Mercer
Timeline: Same time during the Hear post


...Jason took a hypo from a kit near his bed and after checking the contents, he pressed it to his neck. The pain killers took almost immediate effect and he grabbed his gear. Pulling on his vest on his shirtless body he looked to Dawn. "Defend the fort!"


[Ridgeline above the camp]

Placing her booted foot on the dead Marine's body she gave shove sending it rolling down the slope. The Romulan had appeased the Kzinti Commander by telling him that they had aided the Federation in order to gain their trust in order to get there location. Though not given a precise location it had not been difficult to deduce. Once she knew they were in the mountains she selected the places she would have chosen. The elements had favored her in that they came upon the encampment on the second try. The encampment had been well concealed had it not been for the movement of patrols and their shuttles they would have missed it.

All she had to do is let the Kzinti and the Federation fight it out.

[In the Camp]

Stepping out into the outcropping and watching as the Kzinti approach. "Take out the officers first." Saying to everyone as he brings out his phaser rifle firing on the advancing Kzinti.

"We hold this cave. No one gets past us." Says as he yells out firing and dashing forward bloodthirsty and vengeful. Firing pointblank into a Kzinti soldier and hitting him with his phaser rifle as its final charges expelled. Throwing it aside Malluk pulls out his Mek'leth and slices and dashes about the soldiers. Using them as shields to the enemy fire directed at him and pulling his K-Bar out along he yells out charging a Officer and slicing his head off....pulling it off. Living up to the Klingon Bloodlust boiling in his veins.


Jason had been quickly driven back to Medical. While fighting his way back he hadn't liked what he had seen. Smoke billowed out of the hanger that had been excavated and the Kzinti were everywhere. He had seen Major Stone eviscerated as he tried to protect several wounded Marines.

There was a pile of weapons and gear from the Marines in the med bay... they were going to need them too. "IF YOU CAN MOVE GRAB A WEAPON!"

Dawn rolled off the bio-bed, onto the floor and quickly bear crawled over to a weapon and picked it up, then found some cover over by other wounded marines that didn't have weapons. The fighting began; she was going to defend this area.

For every Kzinti he dropped another took its place. Jason had depleted another power cell and slammed another into his phaser rifle. From the numbers out there the Kzinti must be throwing everything at them. But how had the Kzinti found them? Had they tracked them when they picked up Dawn, unlikely? The Kzinti wouldn't have been able to mount this level of operation that fast - UNLESS...The Romulans!! Jason spat at the thought. How could he have been so stupid!

[Mercer - High Orbit]

The Commander surveyed the command deck even as the blood of his brothers still dripped from his blade. A third of his command crew, including his 2nd lay dead. When word of that the heir to the Clan Ritt was alive, having survived and apparent assassination attempt by then General Zariv-Nel, the shock was obvious. But the clan codes had been authentic and everything they did only seemed to confirm the authenticity of the claim. Then when the orders from 'Patriarch Nel' came in the hesitation and the arguments started...ending in his 2nd trying to take the command deck by force.

They were originally to move into position to support the ground operation from orbit but...

"Commander what do we do?"


"Orders sir?"

[USS Soyuz]

"Kzinti Warship dead ahead sir!"

"The weapons are active but not targeted."

Looking intently at the view screen for a fast second. "Raise weapons. Given them a few seconds then hail them."

[Back on the Surface]

Cyfian was caught with his pants down. So to speak. The Kzinti attacked left him completely surprised. Armed with his sniper rifle, which he planned on using to practice and his knife he carefully moved through the carnage. He quickly calculated that the best defensive position would be the cave. But he was on the outside and his comrades would be in. He only had one option.

Staying low he moved swiftly across the compound. Turning around a corner he saw three Kzinti mauling a person, or what used to be a person, to pieces. "Oh crap wrong turn." He thought to himself.

Cyfian quickly found cover behind a pile of crates while one of the Kzinti sniffed the air and turned round. It cautiously moved towards Cyfian's location as the other two happily finished tearing the poor soul apart and moved on for more carnage. With each step he heard his heart skipped a beat. It got closer and closer until silence.

Cyfian held his breath. It was almost like the world stopped all around him. The screams, fighting and pain... all of it just. Disappeared for that one brief angelic moment.

Then the crates crashed around him with a roaring Kzinti charging knocking Cyfian back. His weapon flew through his grasp. His body burned with pain as the weight of the Kzinti crushed down on him. Grinning it drew its large claws and slowly bring it down into Cyfian's chest, very slowly penetrating skin. Cyfian screamed in agony as the Kzinti's laughter echoed through the valleys. Grasping hold of the large muscular arm Cyfian tried to pull it up with all his might, but it wouldn't budge. Deeper and deeper it went. Cyfian continued to scream in pain and as one last ditch effort he grasped his knife from his belt and plunged it deep into the Kzinti's arm, piercing flesh and muscle. It screamed in pain, but continued to push hard into Cyfian's chest. With little choice he continued to stab wildly at the creatures arm until it hit something hard. Hearing bone, Cyfian twisted the knife and with all his might snapped it in two.

The sound chilled Cyfian to his core. The bone cracking, the scream of pain but all that didn't matter. Climbing to his feet, blood pouring from his chest, he turned to see the Kzinti staggering in pain. Attempting to take advantage of the situation he swung hard with a right hook, which landed against the creatures cheek. Un-phased the Kzinti swung and caught Cyfian hard in the jaw, almost knocking him down. Dizzying and disorientated Cyfian swung again with a quick right and then left, finishing with a kick to the chest which caused the Kzinti to fall back onto a sharp piece of metal sticking out, impaling it.

Cyfian watched as it helplessly wriggled to free itself. Picking up what was left of his knife Cyfian approached it and stabbed wildly at its face. Cutting deep again and again until it struggled no longer. Falling to one knee he tossed the now blunt knife away and reached for his rifle. Using it as support he climbed to his feet. "Stick to the plan." He told himself. "Provide cover for the cave entrance." Slowly he moved towards high ground.

Slamming himself into a Kzinti officer and slicing his throat off in a single blow. Malluk spots Cyfian moving to High Ground and fell alongside him. "Cpl. Take this rifle....* Hands it to him as a back-up. Along with a Kzinti Dagger..."You really need to shot them first."

Seeing closest Kzinti turn towards him and Malluk takes off yelling vulgarity and other Klingon swearwords not acceptable to minors or Andorians. Watching that Kzinti's arm get sliced off and picking up his Pole arm. Malluk begins to twirl and spin around the battle field slicing them in and stabbing them with their own weapons. Noticing they are far more effective then the Human or Klingon Weaponry.

[In Orbit]

"The Federation ship has raised their shields!"

Running a claw down his cheek as he thought. "What is the status of their weapons?"

Before he got an answer his comms officer interrupted. "We are being hailed."

Nodding the comms officer opened the channel.

=^= Kzinti Warship. This is the Federation Starship USS Soyuz. We reclaim this system in the name of the Federation in accordance with agreements secured with Patriarch Riit. =^=

Rising from his seat he addressed the Federation captain. "While we support the Clan Riit, I cannot hand this system to you based on your word human."

=^= I wouldn't expect you to. I propose a joint occupation until the Patriarch arrives... =^=

"The Patriarch is coming here?!"

== Yes. So if you call your troops, we will recover ours and a set up joint operations in the planets capital. An escort should be arriving in a few hours will your Patriarch and a Federation delegation. ==

"Agreed. We will end hostilities until we receive further orders."

== We will be dispatching shuttles to the surface to deal with our people. ==

"As will we. But if this is a deception you will you will pay for your treachery!" With a wave the channel closed. "Sound the recall....have our troops fall back."

[USS Soyuz]

Smirking at the Kzinti's closing bravado Granger turned. "Hail the Marines. Order the cease fire."

[Marine Encampment]

Jason was having a hard time believing what was happening, but as he stood from his cover position he looked one of the Kzinti across the battlefield as he slowly lowered his weapon. As he slung his weapon he moved out to check on those either wounded or killed. As he did he could hear the approach of shuttles and other craft and personnel from both sides began looking to their own.

It was over....for now


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