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A New Commodore

Posted on 16 Oct 2012 @ 12:57am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

518 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Ready Room, USS Imperator
Timeline: MD 1 - Following the Hearing


Da`nal had followed the Admiral to his ready room, relieved that that hearing was over. There were times that he felt Starfleet was more concerned about its rules than anything else. However he understood that a message had to be sent that the end doesn’t always justify the means. Now that Starfleet had saved face and his honor had been maintained by not having to face some form of trumped up punishment; he was curious as to what the Admiral wanted.

Dirk walked over to his desk as he entered the ready room. He motioned for Da'nal to sit down and he did so himself. "Tell me Captain. How long have you been serving Starfleet?" He asked.

The Admiral's question actually caught him off guard and his expression showed his puzzlement. "From stardate 56403, why do you ask?"

"Now now, I'm asking the questions." Dirk said swiveling in his chair so the back was towards his guest. "And you've been on both Klingon and Federation vessels correct?"

His jaw clinched slightly at the brush off but Da`nal held himself in check...even as the Admiral turned his back to him. He didn't understand the reason for this...questioning nor the admiral's reaction to his own inquiry. Da`nal replied, "Correct."

"Of the two which one's did you enjoy serving on most?"

Again his brow wrinkled at the questioning. "While I was aboard my father's ships as a boy; my career has been in Starfleet my only service on a Klingon ship was less than a year. On a Klingon ship one is expected to serve and die if needed because of honor and tradition. Starfleet crews do the same but do so because of dedication to an ideal...regardless of their culture or planet of origin. So to answer your question; Federation."

"Hmmm, interesting." Dirk turned around and pulled open a drawer on his desk. He fished around for a little bit and found what he was looking for. Pulling the cylinder out that held a single pip in a bar he passed it over to the Captain. "I suppose that you've earned this Captain."

Looking down at the bar on the desk Da`nal was completely caught off guard. First his actions and honor were questioned by a hearing and now he was being promoted. Reaching down he picked up the Commodores pip he stared at it unbelievingly for a moment then gripped it tightly. "You honor me Sir."

"Just make sure I don't regret doing it. Though given your past performance I don't have to worry about that do I?" Dirk said with a hint of laughter. "I'm sure your crew is going to look forward to seeing a Commodore at the helm." He stood up from his chair. "Good luck." He grinned.

Da`nal took the Admiral's hand nodding. He then turned and left the bridge entering a turbolift, "Deck 3." As the lift started off he removed his old rank replacing it with the new.


Rear Admiral Dirk Alphonse
USS Imperator

Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
USS Achilles


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