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Rendezvous - Part 2

Posted on 29 Aug 2012 @ 9:16pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,791 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Kzinti held space

[Deck 11]

Da`nal, Ciarra, and Ayren had finally been able to make it to the celebration on the VaQbach. The scents of the foods and drink filled in nostrils. As he breathed in the aromas in deeply he realized how long it had been since he had eaten. Seeing Kretorg celebrating with a number of his officers he motioned the ladies with him to follow.

Ciara looked a little desperate, which one would notice if you knew her well. She hardly had anything to do with Klingons before and now she was at her second party in three days,. But she was dragged with towards captain Kretorg and whoever he was with. They all seemed huge and rowdy. She glanced at Aeryn who seemed to take everything in her stride. Well she was mated to a Klingon by choice. Strangely, so was Zaria.

Aeryn sensed Ciara's discomfort and took her hand to squeeze it. The other woman seemed to appreciate the support. She didn't need telepathic abilities to see the question in her eyes. "I lived on Qo'noS as a child, I got used to them..." she answered the unspoken question. "Just show your face around and find a quiet spot, it is a big ship!" Aeryn advised over the noise.

Ciara smiled bravely, looking around for Zaria. That quiet spot sounded great and perhaps Zaria would be willing to catch up.

"Ahhh, Da'nal! bIpawta'! DaH yISop! (You've arrived! Now eat!" Kre said when he saw the other Captain approach, motioning him closer.

As a goblet of bloodwine was thrust into his hand he glanced at the long table covered in food. In typical Klingon fashion he grabbed and tore a chunk of meat from a roast targ and bit into it hungrily. Speaking as he chewed. "So do you like you new toy?"

"You!" Kre said to his yeoman who was new and nervous and stuck close to his new Captain. "Go get that Bloodwine I told you to keep!" Kre laughed, his prior grim mood lifting slightly. "I tell you," he said as he himself bit into the tender flesh of the roast Targ. "I have to discover much of this boat still, but so far, it behaves well! And I have a new yeoman, who seems very willing to please. I also got a few good crew with the ship," he added happily. "But it is one hell of a ship with a set of teeth that few can match," Kre added with typical Klingon pride.

Hitting his goblet against Kretorg's with a wide grin. "We may have to test that one day."

"Commander," Kre greeted the clearly uncomfortable executive officer. "Welcome again," he said to her.

"Captain," she said in return and accepted the piece of meat he offered her. She was sure he did it to tease her. Something in his demeanor convinced her of that.

It was then that Aeryn stepped from behind her husband and Kre turned into his charming self. "Ah the ever beautiful Aeryn," he said as he took her hand and pressed it against his lips. "Always a pleasure..." he smiled and stepped back. "How you stay with a beast like that, I can't figure out..." he teased, referring to Da'nal.

"Perhaps because he is a better looking beast than you," she teased back.

Da`nal laughed heartedly as she fired back. "BITE...she's got bite! A fitting woman to help lead a Klingon House one day don't you think?"

[Elsewhere on the VaQbach]

Even if she wasn't apart of the Klingon crew, that once served on a Vor'cha class battle cruiser, she was no means a warrior like anyone of them. Of course, she was also, Andorian who was a part of the Starfleet. Which at current, the Klingon Andorian doctor, had no ship to serve with, but at least she was able to be pointed in the right direction by the Dez one of the VaQbach's doctor's, and to find Captain Da'nal. As she stepped through the doorway, her eyes began to look around the gathered. With a smile, she listened to warrior's talk and sing. But, for the life of her, she had no real clue what Captain Da'nal, looked like, other than he was a Klingon and was wearing a federation uniform, like she was. She stepped over to nearest table that held drinks and food, and the doctor, grabbed a large goblet of bloodwine and a piece of meat, as she went walked about looking for the person she wanted to meet.

A short burly Klingon approached her. "It looks like you are looking for someone?" Gren asked the strange looking Andorian. He took his role as morale officer seriously and he was doing well so far.

Sara looked at the warrior and the Andorian Klingon smiled at him "Yes, I'm looking for the Captain of the Achilles"

Gren looked to his left where he last saw the Captains and they were still there. "Come, let me take you to him," he said and grabbed her arm and pulled her through the throng.

"Captains, excuse me..." he said with all due respect. "Captain Da'nal, here is someone looking for you," he said pushing the Andorian hybrid a little forward. He knew that he was not supposed to interrupt them, but there was a distinct gap in their conversation. They were laughing, so he used the break to introduce the person.

Da'anl's laughter subsided and he turned to face the two new arrivals. Holding his tankard out to the side for Kre's yeoman to fill, he looked at the Andorian. "Can I help you Lieutenant?"

The Andorian Klingon knew that Gren was doing his job and giving the captain's their time to do what Klingons do best, but, being half Klingon as she was, she had to find a place that would except her for what she was, a medical officer and Sara, came to find out that the Achilles had an opening that she can fill.

"Yes sir" she stated towards Da'anl "I am Sara'Marbela Har'tar. Daughter of K'Mar. Member of the house Har'tar. I heard you’re in need of a medical officer to run your sickbay?"

[Kzinti Vessel - KWS Bloodlust]

Charg and was replacing his d'k tahg on his hip after refastening his belt. His hair was still loose, wet and wild and he was about to speak when the computer chime. He was in!

He scanned the file headings finally available to him. HUMANOID FEMALE STUDIES, MESS NEEDS-PRISONER COUNT, ORDERS...

Opening the ORDERS directory he moved to the most recent files and played a communications log. The first was a report on the D'ama and the Achilles, followed by instructions to hold their position to await re-enforcement while they conducted repairs. The next section of the log set his blood to boiling.


'...once your escort arrives you can set a course for the Federation SB 517 and look for further test subject as you did at SB 24; though I doubt you'll find anything.

'Oh? Why do you say that?'

The voice on the other end of the channel laughed. 'With the force being sent there should nothing left but ash! Three Talon's and their battle groups, over 200 ships all together.'

Charg had already ordered himself beamed to the Captains location as the rest of the log played.

'We only sent 20 ships to SB 24!'

'I know...hope you can use pieces.'

She felt as if her heart would stop as she listened to the logs, fear nearly lamed her, but then it was ousted by a cold rage that not even she had ever experienced. She followed Charg out in a beam out.

[VaQbach - Deck 11]

X'ae materialized second after Charg on the VaQbach and immediately made her way to him, Kre and Da'nal.

Kre saw the transporter rematerialize Charg and he turned to him. The expression on his XO's face alerted him. "What!?" X'ae was just behind him and hers confirmed that they did not have good news.

Charghwl eyes locked on his Captain but also nodded to his longtime friend Da`nal. With both of them here it would make things move much faster. "I recovered critical data from the Kzinti computer. Operations, orders, deployments, everything. However the Kzinti have launched a massive attack on the Federation. Over 200 hundred ships...all top of the line. They are to annihilate SB 517 then begin capture additional star systems." Turning to Da`nal, "Given the facts I think you should break radio silence and transmit a warning."

Immediately Kre realized that this had been it, the bad feeling he had. "Computer, initialize a ship wide emergence communiqué claxon, authorization Kretorg bagH 1 lHwa'!" he spoke to the ship computer.

Da`nal's mood immediately shifted. The Achilles had evacuated there civilian crewmembers, family members...his children to the Starbase prior to preparing for their mission. At their present distance it would take time for any warning to reach the Starbase but they couldn't wait, without hesitation he spun to his XO. "Return to the ship and get that warning out, set battle stations and prepare to get underway, any repairs will have to be done on the way."

Ciara had just returned to the party, actually to inform D'anal that she would be returning to the Achilles, when she heard the last part of the conversation. Her sister and their family was on that station. It was as if someone threw a bucket of ice in her face. ~My husband and my children, now my sister! Noooo!~ she screamed in her head, making Aeryn whirl to her in response to the strong emotion. "Acknowledged Sir," she said numbed and touched her comm badge.

=^= Brannagh to the Achilles, one to beam back. Prepare to beam all the crew back, =^= she added before she dematerialized.

The look on the Andorian's face was a mixture of hesitation and determination. No doubt her experiences with the Kzinti had left its mark. "Doctor if you are able, my sickbay is yours.â€

"I'm able, Captain" was all she to offer, before she turned about and departed for her sickbay.

Finally Da`nal turned to Kretorg. "This is a Federation War, but if you and your crew are up for another fight..."

A smirk lifted the one corner of Kre's mouth. A high pitched communication alert attracted the attention of everyone on board the ship. "All hands to battle stations! Prepare to engage emergency warp!" Kre said even as he started to move. "Charg, get to the bridge and send a message to the starbase as well," he said. He turned to Da'nal. "May our enemies run with fear!"

The two Klingon Captains clasped forearms. "Qapla!!"


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