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Checking in

Posted on 14 Mar 2012 @ 7:48pm by

415 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: USS Achilles - somewhere on the ship

Once her meeting was finished the captain, Niemi, stepped out onto the bridge, and a quick scan of the surroundings. Placing her right hand onto her chin, the Orion softly, most for her to hear, hummed, as her eyes shifted left and right, before she cursed under her breath, when she realized that the latest models of Federation bridge lay outs were so oddly design. So, she turned slight, and stepped up to one of the terminal and ask the person there to path her through to her shuttle.

"I beg your pardon, ma'am" question the crewmen, but Ba'al, just smiled at the Bolian male.

"Did I say something that made no sense, or are you trying to figure out the underlying message of my statement, because if you are, then, we're going to be here chit chatting about it. I have time to waste, you know." Niemi smile didn't fade as she looked at the controls and screens and sighed and shook her head, before looking back to the Bolian crewmen who still had a confuse look upon his face.

"Let's make this simple. Quick and easy like" She said softly "the shuttle that arrived is mine. Open a coms with it."

"Uh huh hmmmm" the Bolian now looked confuse, but Ba'al's smile remain steadfast and the Bolian did as he ordered

" Voice ID " came a male computer voice

"It's me, baby. Ba'al" returned lovingly and she heard the tall tale beep of confirm "Hun, up load sensor readings of that this kitty cat vessel to science and security data base. Ummm and send a copy of parts manifest to the Engineering as well. It's time for my sexy read to get new parts"

" Confirm and about time " the male voice came back

"Love you too, Gou'ald. Ba'al out" she looked to the Bolian and nodded which he ended the transmission "See easy. Now, perhaps you can tell me where I can find Lt. Commander Ericson? I don't recall seeing him here on the bridge."

"Uh ummm I think he's..." Bolian but was stopped when Niemi rose her hand to stop him

"Never mind, I'll track him down myself. Should be to hard to find him. But thanks for the help" Ba'al said as she turned about and headed for the nearest lift. When she found the man, she brought him up to speed from who she was and the latest sensor data she up loaded to the ship's computer.


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