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The Tunic two step

Posted on 15 Jun 2011 @ 10:11am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

539 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!

OOC - I have reshuffled your position a bit. I left you as the 2XO but made to Strategic Operation officers.

Da`nal stepped out onto the bridge as the crew made there final preparation for departure. As Don was off seeing to his tasks 'Tika' manned the bridge and was overseeing the operations. The berthing off of over 200 Marines, the stowing of there supplies and the resupply of the ship had all been accomplished smoothly, but now that the ship was on a war footing he needed another component to his senior staff and he had selected his Second Officer and Chief of Operations to fill that role.

Walking over to her as she looked over Ens. Logan shoulder he spoke. "Commander a moment please."

"Sure." She said, walking with him to his ready room. "Logan, you have the Bridge while I'm gone."

The two of them entered his ready room. She ran her hands over her uniform skirt as the doors shut behind them. "What did I do this time?"

Slighty surprised by her defensivness Da`nal wondered if he should press the issue. Deciding that it was probably nothing he continued. "Nothing that I am aware of Commander.

"I wanted to speak with you before we departed. While the rest of Starfleet is dealing with the Romulan 'situation', this and the neighboring sectors are at war. With that I need a Strategic Operations officer; I have selected you for that task."

"Oh..." She mumbled with almost a sigh of relief. "But sir, I have no experience in Strategic Operations. I mean...I'm an organizer and..."

Da`nal grinned at her reaction thinking this it was unlike her, but regardless of why he cut her off with a gesture. "Commander, each of us has a time where we are called on to step outside our rea of expertise...our comfort zone. I have every confidence in your abilities or I would have pulled someone from the station to fill the roll. We are at war. And with that I need people that I can trust to do the duty. You will remain my second officer of course.

She grinned slightly. "I know I can do it, Captain. I just don't know if everyone else is ready for me yet." She joked.

Now that sounded like the officer he knew. "Ready for you? I think the crew is already used to your...unique nature." A wry grin spread over his face; "However I think you are right, the other commands we will be dealing with may find you...interesting. Just don't get yourself into too much trouble."

She arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow. "Good for them. Thank you, Captain." She said with a grin.

"You are welcome."

He looked her up and down briefly and scowled slightly. "Commander it appears are out of uniform. I cannot have my senior officers setting a poor example for the rest of the crew. I suggest you get properly dressed and resume your duties Commander." He said with a mock sterness.

"I just now realized that red's my color." She said, turning on her heal and leaving his office.


Captain Da'nal
Commanding Officer


Lieutenant Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil


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