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Something worth fighting for

Posted on 10 Jun 2011 @ 4:13pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

956 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Mercer / USS Achilles
Timeline: current

Jason's watch had been thankfully uneventful. Even though they were being aided by some of the Romulan refugees he still didn't trust them. They had gotten word to him that Captain Longwinter had been captured and taken to the former colonial capital. ~It ws a good thing he wasn't human or he would have been killed immediately.

Once again everyone was bedded in the cave and he took time to better conceal the entrance to the area they were using. Once that was done he took another look down the mountain towards the refugee camp. As he looked over the camp he saw that the Kzinti had tightened the sentry patrols around the perimeter. Lowering his scope he updated the diagram of the camp on his wrist padd. He then put his eye back to the scope to continue to observe the situation. No sooner had he returned to his position that he saw a Kzinti patrol heading out of the camp and into the foothills. There path could take them either around the camp or up into the mountains and possibly up to their position. He watched them as long as he could, but once they were out of his sit he took up a defensive position to wait for the patrol...if they came.

As he sat their waiting.....

[Flash back...]

After leaving the lounge Jason and Teresa walked to her quarters to meet her daughter. He actually thought it was a big step to meet the family after rudely interrupted first encounter and a date that wasn't even really started yet.

"What type of things does she like to do?"

"Paint, and when I say paint, I mean paint everything. She also likes to go on picnics, and swimming in the lake. This is awfully nice of you to include her in this. Most men run for the hills when they hear a child is involved."

"Hell they don't know what they are missing. What better way for a guy act like a kid again than to actually play with a kid," he said laughingly. "Think she would like camping? I got some leave coming, next time we are planetside maybe we could put together a little trip."

She gripped his arm tighter. Either he was putting on the greatest con of all just to get her or he was for real. Hoping for the later, " I think that will be perfect."

The rest of the evening was one out of a story book. The three of them ate, laughed and played together all night. Teresa sat the at times just amazed at how this hardened Marine could be so tender and careful with a child he had only met.

IEventually it came time for Vicky to go to bed. Not surprisingly she protested and began to fuss. Before Teresa could even begin to get firm Jason jumped in and continued the little game they had been playing.

" officer gave you an order and Marines always follow orders. You don't want me to have to report you to the Captain do you?"

Vicky snapped to attention. "NO SIR"

Then he shifted histone to a playful whisper, "Besided if you are good I'll take you down to see my squad in the training simulator...if mom says its ok."

"Only if she goes to bed right now."

A smile lit up the little girls face and she gave them both a hug before running off to her room. "Don't forget to brush your teeth..." Teresa called after her daughter.

Finally alone the cleaned up a few toys and sat together on the couch finishing their drinks. "Would you like another?"

Jason grinned, "I'd love one."

When she came back he looked up to her and took the drink. All he could think of was how gorgeous she was. As he took the drink their hands touched and a flash ran through him and a voice in the back of his head told him not to screw this up.

He stood taking the drink and setting it down. When he straightened up his eyes met hers. They were close...very close. He could feel the warmth coming off her. He could smell the sweet sent of her perfume and when she took a deep breath her body touched his.

He put his hands on her waist. "I'd better go...I have a busy schedule tomorrow and..."

Teresa smiled and put a finger to his lips quieting him. "You don't have to go anywhere."

Jason reached up and took her hand and pulled her to him.

[Back in the present]

Teresa was snapped back to reality by a nurse bringing her an updated listed of the fresh medical supplys that had been beamed up. "Ma'am...Lieutenant?"

"Sorry my mind was on other things." Teresa took the padd and set it with the others. She swallowed hard and hoped that the Marines heading to Mercer would find Jason alive, but even if they did it was going to be a long fight...a long time until she saw him again. The reality of the situation was too much. How could he just come into her life only to be ripped away. She put her face in her hands and just started to cry....

[On Mercer]

Jason looked up at the stars as his walk was coming to an end. He still had the smell of her hair in his memories as his relief came into view. Just as he began to move to great his fellow Marine the rock between them exploded and he dropped to his stomach and returned fire.


Ltjg Terea Wendsar

SSgt Jason Frey - NPC
Recon Marine


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