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Wayward ideas

Posted on 24 Jun 2011 @ 11:10am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Reva Madhava

1,467 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Achilles Main Engineering
Timeline: Current

Nate had been busy going over the reports of the effectiveness their phasers were having against the Kzinti warriors, disappointed in what he saw. Just as fighting against their enemies ships, little damage was being dealt, and as such, Star Fleet was on the losing end. Having also read up on the fact that they preferred to get up close and personal to fight, an idea came to mind. For so long they had always had such a tunnel vision in only using phasers or disruptors in combat. Why not use something else? Something that directly attacked the actual living functions of these "things" they were fighting. If a phaser blast, even with some of the power modifications that had been made, had little effect on them, it was time to take another route.

Standing up from his desk, he walked out and stood in front of the warp core, the heart of the ship. The hearts of Kzinti themselves were strong, feral, focused. They would have to find a way to stop them. But to make his idea a reality, Nate would need some help. =^= LT. Stryker to Captain Da'nal and LT. Goodshire, would the two of you please meet me in Main Engineering? =^=. He walked to the main display and began pulling up schematics of delivery systems for chemical and biological agents, systems that required no power at all. If we couldn't burn holes in the bastards, then maybe we can effectively eliminate them all together.

Ozwald Goodshire was engrossed in the examination of of some the latest addition to his collection. While the crew had been getting the Marines settled he had run into a Romulan having difficultly with Federation quarantine regulations and his research. When he found out that his reserch dealt with several insect species he could stop himself; the chance to study Romulan insects was just too good a chance to pass up.

When the call came in he looked up and gritted his teeth and replied with a slightly annoyed tone in his voice. =^= I will be there as soon as I can, Goodshire out. =^= He bagan to place all his specimens back in their containers and sealed them properly. At least he thought he had.

Da`nal had just announced the time for the ships departure when the call came in. Hoping there wasn't going to be anything to delay there launch he replyed. =^= On my way. =^=


As the Captain entered, Nate turned around. "Sir, thanks for taking the time to stop by. I've got an idea as to how we can deal with the Kzinti. They love to fight one on one, and we don't have the physical strength to fight them. We've tried our conventional methods with phasers, only to have it take 3 or 4 people firing together. Maybe it's time we got back a bit in technology. Phasers require power packs, can be dampened by energy fields, etc. The Kzinti don't play nice, and we shouldn't either".

He knew the same was said about his own people not so long ago. "Before I hear your idea Lieutenant do not confuse superior technology or a zest for combat as not 'playing nice'. There is no dishonor in falling to a superior enemy. However they have shown their dishonor by not keeping their word and by executing any human they come upon.

"Now what is it you propose?"

"On both points Sir, I agree entirely with you. Yes, they have superior technology, and yes, they have a drive to meet us one on one. They love boarding ships, for whatever reason that may be. Let's face it, we could spend years reverse engineering their technology to defeat them, or we could develope a simple system to help us, at least once they meet us face to face. I'm proposing that that we develope either a rifle type system or a launcher containing a nuero toxin, one that will nearly instananeously kill one of them. Or perhaps simply paralyze it, so that we may capture them. I can build the system, I have numerous types of schematics I have been looking over, but what I don't have is the knowledge for engineering such toxins, and I'm uncertain as to what exactly would be the best system for our Security personnel and Marines. If we can come up with a system to test, we could even send a few down with the Marines. It would be a simple gas powered system. Quiet, long range, no power needed. I don't expect this to be simple, but it could atleast help us fend them off when boarded or engaged on the ground".

"Interesting, however are you planning to abandon Federation Law with your plans. Biological weapons have been outlawed in the Federation for centuries and my people have looked down at them as a dishonorable means of combat." He didn't want to completely shutdownhis ideas. Clearly he wanted to get at the Kzinti for what they had done, he thought that perhaps he had lost a friend or family member. There was nothing like loss to motivate the need for revenge.

He glance behind him as Mr. Goodshire arrived then continued. "Perhaps we could modify our intruder systems to use a substance that incapacitated the Kzinti, but left other species un effected?"

Nate laughed. "Federation law wasn't my strongest class. Oh man, missed that land mine! Now as for the gas system, that one will be easy, I can attach an auxillary tank in areas around the ship. Since it will take some time I'll begin with primary areas such as the bridge, senior quarters, your ready room, engineering, etc. I can modify internal sensors to track for their heat signatures and bio signs so that when they enter an area the system can trip automatically. The only thing I don't know then is what type of gas we can use. Man, this solutions alot easier, I guess that's why you get paid the big bucks Sir." He felt somewhat set back as his enthusiasm had gotten the better of him and he had missed the fact his proposal wasn't acceptable. Either way, he wouldn't let that get in his way of suggesting things in the future. "Additionally SIr, we may be able to develop a weapons system that uses electricity to stun them ,like a "stun gun". I just gotta know how much juice it takes to incapacitate one of them".

Once again Da`nal glanced to Mr. Goodshire. "Well as Mr. Goodshire is our resident biologist I will let the two of you work something up; but I must see to other preparation. Get me your proposals as soon as possible."

Oz was standing there with his mouth hanging slightly open at the Captain's statement. What the hell did he know about large over sized fur balls. The last time he saw anything with fur and fangs was when he and several of his friends from the Eclipse had gone on a camping trip. He remembered seeing the animal that Charg had killed, but who knows where he was. Lord knows he's feel a lot better with him around...he always seemed to be there to watch his back.

Nate approached Oz "Hi, so I need something to knock these bastards out. I figured being a expert on different types of agents from bugs in particular that you could come up with something to paralyze one of the Kzinti? Preferably in a gas form. Have you gone over any biological data on them by chance yet?" He knew it was a bit of a leap, but this was something both of them were going to have to step out of their comfort zones to work on.

Oz looked lost and a sheepish expression came over him at the mention of gas and bugs in the same sentence. It brought up memories of a very angry Captain and a lot of time deodorizing several areas of the ship after a few of his pets got out
"I'll be honest...I'm no xenobiologist. I'll have to do some research on Kzinti physiology. We might want to bring Dr. Frese in on this. I can check with him and lets get together first thing in the morning."

Nate finally was beginning to realize the endeavor he had started on, but would see it through. "That sounds like a plan. I'll go over some different systems to deliver the agents and provide you with a list of containment devices so you can approve them. Have you had lunch yet? I'm starving. If you don't mind, we can got eat and maybe discuss things more."

Oz nodded, and the two of them left Engineering to to go see what would be on the menu for today....


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