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Family Reunion

Posted on 16 Jun 2011 @ 7:49pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

952 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Mercer

Their last adventure had been a close call. Timothy and Thomas had almost been caught by the strange looking officers that passe by their hideout as they called it. They had to leave soon or they would eventuwlly be found by the Kzinti patrols who controlled this sector of the colony. There was no choice the had to leave soon.

"Timmy we have to leave now," Thomas argued.

"No we'll get caught sooner," Timothy rebutted,"what's the rush?"

"We'll get caught anyway and I'd rather it be closer to the federation camp."

Timothy thought for a moment. What his brother was saying was true. If they left now they might be able to make the camp by nightfall. Still, it felt to dangerous. Could his brother have bgeun to become more daring that he had hitherto been. Thomas just stood there as Timothy looked him in the eyes. It was a penetrating, analytical stare. after a while a smile crossed his brother's face.

"Okay, we'll leave when the brightest sun sets for us. It will be darker then."

"Then we should get some rest for now, it's going to be a long night."

The pair shuffled off to their shadowy sleeping places behind two large formations at the back of the cave where they wouldn't be seen. A few hours later they rose, bathed and ate the fish they had caught just a few hours before watching all the while for the Kzinti patrol. To their astonishment they hadn't come by. They made their way to the mouth of the cave each of them peering around an opposite corner. Owing to the coloer of the planet's second sun the sky was now a medium shade of violet and the first moon was just beginning to peek over the eastern horizon. Care would have to be taken in the next few hours as the moon rose with each hour. For now though, Timothy had found a path that wasn't being scouoted and patrolled. Timothy tapped his brother's shoulder and bade him to follow.

They hiked for half the night, finally making what looked like a military camp. It was uncertain just whose it was and the violet sun was coming up. Timothy knew they might still be hard to see, but caution needed to be
exercised. Both boys eyes were aimed everywhere as they came closer to the camp. The area was almost too quiet when compared with the booms and bangs in the distance. Something wasn't right. Where they expected?

The Kzinti patrol that had detected the two had taken position in the abandoned structures and waited. See that the two lifesigns were romulan children they sheathed their blades. There was no glory to be found here today. The 12 member unit all moved out. Romulan or not they needed to learn their place on a Kzinti planet.


The warriors towered over the small children and one warrior grabbed one of the boys by his garments and lifted him up, sniffing him. "They're Romulan alright." With the boy still in the air, "How did you get so far from your camp?"

Before either could reply the patrol leader cut him off. "That doesn't matter we have more important thing to do that to worry about some wayward Romulan man-cubs." Pointing to the unlucky warrior still holding the youngster. "Call for a transport and take them back to where they belong."

The warrior hissed to himself but knew better than to object and as he waited for pick up the rest of his unit continued on with their patrol.

"!" Thomas exclaimed legs writhing as he was handed over. Fear ran through both of their minds until they came to tha camp. At least they would soon be home again. Timothy and Thomas could feel their parents somewhere nearby. The explosions were gettning closer. Timothy wondered how long it would be before they arrived at the camp. It had to be the Starfleet marines. Hyrum's energy felt closer and closer as the first sun rose.

Both boys slowly roused as Mercer's second moon dropped behind the camp's tritanium barrier. It was a prime time to try and slip out. They rose and walked around the camp for awhile casing out avenues of escape. There weren't any, or so it seemed.

Timothy wasn't so sure of what the Kzinti had told him. He was sure it was just something he was being told to prevent the pair from looking. That night he just sat up staring into the shadowy areas of the camp. There has to be a way out, thought Tim, They just don't want me looking for it. This camp has to have a weakness that two little boys could expertly exploit. It was to light just now to inspect the walls and fences for a way out. For hours he sat and watched for the veil of darkness to cover the camp, then slipped out of the holding area to the outside yard. Timothy kept to the edges of the walls looking for that one weakness.

After a few hours he found it. An unattended grate caught his young eyes making them widen some as he bent down to take a closer look. There was a bolt missing and another was coming loose, so loose that it could be shaken free. He kept watch on the refugee quarters and over his right shoulder. The opening would definitely accomodate their hasty escape. Timothy took one last look to make sure he had not been noticed then dashed across the enshadowed yard to the refugee quarters.


Children played by MGSgt Kenderson

Kzinti played by Capt Da`nal


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