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Moving in

Posted on 20 Mar 2009 @ 12:22pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

402 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Outside engineering
Timeline: 1400 hrs

Silonez was in a hurry, the ship was on yellow alert after they had gotten word of the probable attack by the Romulans, They still had no Commanding officer, so it was Mariposa and Silonez in charge until a CO was appointed. Silonez was on his way back to the bridge, there was no medical staff, he was trying to locate the CMO. Warrant officer Cortice caught up to him and reported; "The CMO is onboard finally she's on her way down now." and as if it was magic the turbolift opened.

Melanie stood in the turbolift and when it was opened she saw two people staring at her. "What? Are my horns showing?" She playfully patted her head looking for her 'devil horns'.

He looked at Janis, "Dr. Hemmingway, I'd love to exchange more than pleasantries, but we're in some really extra ordinary circumstances, you'll need to get sickbay ready, we could be in combat." Silonez said dryly.

"Right well I guess that 'dinner and a movie' will have to wait. I am on my way there now to get my staff ready. ETA for combat?"

"Uncertain, DS5 ops says it could at any moment, the cargo crews brought as many essential supplies as we could, but we're a little short handed everywhere."

"Is my EMH online?" She sighed heavily...she suddenly missed research and development back on Earth.

"Sickbay is one of the few areas that were completed when I got onboard 90 minutes ago. It was being used as the construction infirmary, I think you have a mark 3 EMH, I really don't know who’s onboard besides the counselor whose also the ship's diplomatic officer. Don't ask how that happened, this is my first day."

"Evidently someone dropped the ball here. I will see if he can help me in sickbay. He may be of some use to me yet." She said.

Silonez almost made a snide comment but thought better of it, "the ball was deflated, this ship is still in pieces on some decks, after this we'll probably need another month in dry dock, my office is this PADD," holding up the device.

"Great...well off to prepare my non-existent crew." She mumbled. "Thanks by the way...Lieutenant..."

"Silonez, Silonez Ericson, Chief Intelligence Officer."

"Melanie Hemmingway, Chief Medical Officer...but then again you already knew that." She smiled warmly at him.


LT. Silonez Eircson

LT. Melanie Hemmingway


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