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Little trouble makers - Part 1

Posted on 08 Feb 2011 @ 10:15pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

914 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Tal Shiar Scout ship - En route to Rendezvous

[Holding Cell]

Timothy and Thomas looked at one another as they awoke. What they saw frightened them. They were in a small in which, if they were bigger, they would not fit. The energy in the air wasn't right either. It was like something worse was going to happen to them. Both boys hoped their dad would come soon to get them. This place stunk and the food was even worse. The only way they could eat it was if they were hungry to their bones.
Thomas turned to his brother who was older by only a few minutes.

"Do you think daddy will come?" he asked.

"That's a stupid question," Timothy chided,"Of course he'll come and the captian too. He'll bring the whole ship of Marines if he has to. Don't worry som much."

Just then a tray with two plates of food was pushed through the slot in the bottom of their cell door. It looked good this time. Thomas thought that maybe they had gotten the message and brought them something better. To his disgust he was only just hungry enough to eat the slop. So was Timothy but he ignored his pangs of hunger and took just the water instead. His little mind was occupied with something much more important. He was beginning to think the way Hyrum had started teaching them to think in situations like these.

"If we're going to get out of here, he have to think like Star Fleet officers or Marines. There isn't any other way to think." Timothy said as he analyzed the situation.

"What do you mean?" Thomas asked as he took a sip of feesh water from his cup.

"Remember when daddy read to us from that book," he tried to think of the title,"the....something of war?"

"The Art of war, by Sun Tzu, silly," Thomas reminded him,"yeah what about it?"

Timothy was still thinking trying the principle in the book that would work for them here. It just wasn't coming as quickly as he wanted it to. Thomas was searching his mind too. He wish that he had remembered to bring his birthday copy. The boys didn't understand the book completely from being only six years old, but had been taught that everything in that book was as important to remember as the golden rule, the ten commandments and the prime directive. They were expected to find a way to escape. Memories began flash by in both of their minds some quickly and other just ploddiing along as if being sorted looking for that right principle.


They were well away from the Federation colony when word had reached them. The images would be forever burned into there mind as they had watch there home be destroyed. When they had been selectect and briefed for this by the Major they had been surprised indeed. The opportunity to undermind the Unificationists was a singular honor, but now it all seemed...pointless.

[Holding Cell]

Thomas began to remember something. For several nights whenever he couldn't sleep Shal had taught him how to use the computer console. He didn't know why, but he liked it and would always ask his mother to teach him more. In the last year or so she had been teaching him about the Tal shiar vessel systems and how to hack them. She wasn't sure he understood completely, but she had to try. However, knew that neither parent would be happy if he didn't consult his brother on the use of these skills first.

"Timmy?" He posited, "remember that morning when you first woke up and mommy and I were in her office at the console?"

"Yeah, so?"

"She taught me a few things that little boys aren't supposed to know about these ships."

"like what?"

"How to hack the systemes without being noticed."

"Do remember everything?"

"Almost," he said,"some is hard to remember."

"That could save us, try to remember everything she taught you and we can escape without being noticed."

Thomas thought hard, but everything came slowly. He'd already done one thing he had been taught. He shook his pant leg. Odd tools fell out. Thomas was taught that he shouldn't steal things, but he was going to leave them behind anyway once they were out. Timothy wagged his head.

"You never do what the tell you, do you?" he said in chastisement.

"Well, it was just this once and... I just borrowed them, besides. Just didn't know when I was goign to use them until now."

"Aright, I'll keep quiet, but be careful, okay we don't want them coming here until they have to."

Thomas wasn't listening. His focus was solely on the small console before him. He on a mearby ledge attempting to balance while he tried to hack the system without getting caught, or at least without being noticed until he and Timmy were half way to the transporter room. Thomas almost had it when they heard footsteps coming their way. it was the guard comiing to reteive their trays. The boys returned to their positions of innosence. Thomas hid the tools under his chubby little boy bum as the door opened.


Glancing to his right his could see Rella's damp cheek, wet from the tears she had wiped away. "What are we going to do now?" She asked.

Swallowing the lump in his own throat he sent the signal the Major. "We will do our duty..."



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