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Missing Marines

Posted on 08 Feb 2011 @ 10:14pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

882 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!

After leaving Engineering he proceded to 'Marine Country' to advise them as to the status of their commanding officer and fellow Marines. As he entered the area there were several junior Marines cleaning and sowing weapons from their maneuvers and the attack that had ended them. When they saw him one stapped to attention.

"Captain on Deck!"

The other Marines all 'snapped to' at the call to attention. Da`nal acknowledged the sign of respect. ~It was good to be amongst warriors~, he thought to himself. "As you were, Marines. Lt. Karpov?"

"Right through there sir."

Da`nal stepped into the adjoining room to see the Lieutenant and Master Gunnery Sgt Kenderson.

Hyrum saluted crisply and released just so as another few thoughts rushed through his head. One was about the rescue away teams composition. The other was of a possible tentative alliance between rogue Tal Shiar and the Kzinti. The latter thought came through first as the intelligence portion of his mind clicked in.

"Sir," he began, "another possibility came to mind in the past few hours."

"I assume you are refering to your childern." He paused slighty, "That wasn't why I came but go ahead."

"What if some rogue Tal Shiar decided to work for or with the Kzinti?"

That was an interesting premise, but what interest would the Kzinti have in the Romulan underground. Especially now with Romulus destroyed. "Right now all we have are spceulations. We need facts. Most of the probes that were launched didn't turn up anything, but the are still a few out there. When that data comesin...hopefully there will be something to go on."

"That was my only question, sir. Now I have a request for when we find my boys."

The determination in the man's voice told Da`nal what the next question was going to be. "Your request?"

"I would like to head the away team to pick them up, Just myself, the doctor and two of your best marines."

"Such a small team...especially since we no next to nothing at this point. As your Captain I should deny your request." He paused and put a hand on his shoulder. "However as a father I know I would stop at nothing to ensure I was there to get them back. When the time comes you WILL be there."

Da`nal removed his hand. "Now to the reason for my visit.

"We were unable to retreive several Marines from the surface during the attack. Captain Derek Longwinter, Staff Sergeant Jason Frey, Sergeant Dawn Brianna, & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper are unaccounted for. We think tthat either the Kzinti weapons or a device disrupted the lock on them so we were unable to beam them up. Nor were they on either the Apocalypse or the Imperator and as the Kzinti fleet moved in the remaning colonists and romulan refugees were also left behind."

Kenderson nodded in understanding. It would require a larger team,"then I am to command the junior marines from here sir?"

"Lt. Karpov has command of the Marine detachment...Recon included. As the Senior enlisted Marine he will need your experience. Once we arrive at the station I will push for authorization for an operstion to get them back so be prepared."

"Very well. Will mechs be needed?"

"Unknown. With the number of ships the Kzinti used to attack the colony they mean to hold it. Just how Star Fleet plans to push the Kzinti back...I'm sure will be up for debate but I want option to present."

"Aye, I will work a strategy with your tac officer to retake the colony and and have it to you soon for presentation to Command."

"We need to plan for more than one colony...but for nearly and entire sector."

Hyrum saluted crisply and turned to his battallion. This was thes first time he had had to assume command of men that weren't his own. He took a breath scanning for men to turn into NCOs. This was one thing he had never thought he would do and thus turned to Da'nal for advice.

"I will need to know who are the best of the most seasoned of these men and women. Are there any Corporals or lances in there that need a boost?" Hyrum asked,"or have been due for one for some time?"

"That will be for you and Lt. Karpov to determine."

Kenderson nodded once more and went back to his work. All of these men seemed to know what they were doing. He needed to fly to clear his mind before going over the endless personnel files of these Marines. He asked if there was anything aboard more powerful than a shuttle fro the purpose.

"I need to clear my head. Have anything more powerful than a shuttle i could fly until we're ready?"

Da`nal would normally come down on such a statement. After all the were at war, but...keeping ones crew sharp was important and the Master Guns had a lot on his plate at the moment. "I'm afrain not, however there is the holodeck."

Turning to leave he stopped and glanced back. "Keep your flight short, we have a lot to do."


Captain Da`nal

Master Gunnery Sergeany Hyrum Kenderson


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