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When in the Dark

Posted on 13 Sep 2010 @ 11:16am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

838 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Transporter Room 1
Timeline: MD: 2, 1730


USS Achilles - Transporter Room 1

Commander Phoenix-Patil walked into the transporter room with all but the helmet of the environmental suit on. She really hated wearing them, but she had to do what she had to do. She awaited the arrival of the rest of the away team.

12 Marines filed into the transporter room all in flat OD green environmental suits, holding their helmets in their hands. Sargent Banks nodded to Commander Patil. "Hello ma'am, the Lieutenant will be here shortly. He was just walking into the equipment room as we were departing."

Tika nodded toward him, more then a bit distracted by the 12 muscular and attractive men who just entered. "Uh huh..."

Anara followed not too far behind the Commander. She wore the environmental suit with helmet on and seemed quite comfortable in them. She followed Tika's gaze toward the men and a small smile came to her face. However her serious expression returned and she focused on the next steps of the mission.

Jess had never cared for these EV suits....they weren't very flattering. Of course one usually didn't go out dancing in them either.

Tom Clancy was the last to arrive, he quickly separated the Marines into 2 teams. The first team to include Tom went with the away team, the remaining 6 stayed in the transporter room on stand by.

When Lahtikah noticed that everyone for the away team was there, she stepped onto the transporter PADD followed by the other officers. "Our beam in coordinates are Deck 8, Section 14." She said, nodding to the transporter chief.

USS Ballard

Within seconds, their bodies were covered with the blue haze of the transporter beam and they materialized in a battered corridor, dark and frighting.

The Marines held their rifles at the ready, the built in lamps illuminating the area.

Tika hadn't been her before, and she had to admit she was scared, though she kept it to herself. She was in command now.. she had to show it. "Almost like it's haunted isn't it?.... Where shall we start?"

Jess took a few steps forward an looked up at the gaping maw of what had been the upper decks of a Galaxy class starship. From her vantage point she could see the forward sections of the Achilles. "Hell we could have flown in here on thruster packs."

"Lieutenant Meru, did the science teams ever find anything conclusive about the explosion that occurred here?" Tika asked, walking over toward the woman.

"We were able to conclude that there were bodies that were already dead before the explosion. We surmised that they must have been placed there at some point," Anara answered.

Jess looked back in shocked surprise. "The bodies from the Ballard were already dead?!"

"Not all of them. Just those from a certain race," Anara responded calmly to Jessica's surprise.

"We will start by identifying weapons signatures on the hull. Anything that will help us narrow down the search." Tika said, then cautiously began to approach the gaping breach in the Ballard's hull. "The best place to start is right here.."

Anara nodded taking a look at the area as she took her tricorder out, "The Kyari died in the explosion, the Larucian were filled with a preservative that may have been the cause of death. Cause of death is still inconclusive." She began doing scans on the hull, identifying the various weapon signatures and saving the data.

"Is it a set up then?" Tika asked as she took out her tricorder as well.

"All evidence seems to point that way. It's as if they're trying to do some kind of a switch on who are the real culprits..." Anara responded as she pressed some buttons on her tricorder and continued her scans.

Jess achimed in as she scanned for evidence. "Who would have anything to gain by attacking the Ballard? They were only facilitating the treaty here."

"Most likely someone who has a problem with the peace talks themselves." Tika said as she closed her tricorder. "I'm getting a confusing mesh of different weapons technologies, except this blast had an explosive charge to it. Whoever attacked the Ballard wanted to make sure this part of the ship was destroyed...the part with the delegates."

Anara nodded in agreement of Tika's thoughts on the subject. She looked at her own tricorder, "Yeah..I'm picking up the same thing. There is very little damage on the other side."

Tika moved back from the gash in the side of the ship and toward the center of the corridor. "Then there's nothing else to be found here that hasn't already." She said tapping her combadge. =A= Phoenix-Patil to Transporter room.... 10 to beam back. =A=

Anara nodded in confirmation. She prepared herself to be transported back to the ship.


LtCmdr. Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil
USS Achilles


Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


Ens. Jessica Logan
Ops Officer - NPC played by Chris


Lt Jessica Cole
Chief Engineer


Marine NPC's played by Maj John Cole


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