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Moving On

Posted on 22 Jun 2009 @ 12:04pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

2,703 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Melanie's Quarters
Timeline: Current


Melanie had just finished her shift in sickbay. She was on autopilot and did her job going through the motions but her mind was elsewhere. The hologram of Talar and the Captain had told her that she had to move on with her life. She promised the Captain that she wouldn't live in the past and she wouldn't but forgeting the life she had with the man she loved was not possible.

She entered her quarters and realised that she had already broken the promise that she made Da'nal. She stalked to her bed and screamed on the top of her lungs, tears falling down her cheeks. She grabbed the pillows and started throwing them, grabbing the comforter she did the same. Melanie was angry with herself, with Talar, and with the Captain. Melanie didn't care if anyone would hear her screams of anger, of sorrow.

The ship was cruising nicely through Federation space, at times skirting the Romulan border. Eventually they would be crossing that border and once they did they would be on their own. Before that happened though he planned to have ther ship stop at SB 47; if for nothing else than to let the ship rest. Traveling such distances at high warp was taxing enough and he wanted to Freedom to be in top shape. No doubt his Engineer would be insisting on it so why not plan the respit into the journey.

Leaning back into his chair he tried to rubbed the kink out of his neck with little success. He had to admit being in command was alot more than sitting in the "big chair", the paperwork was murder, at least he had a good yoeman to keep things organized. ~Well the rest of this can wait till the morning," he thought. "I need to get in a good work out."

Rising from his desk he he headed out on to the ridge, where he saw that Bravo shift had all reported. There were several nods as well as a few 'Evening Sir's as he made his why to his quarters. Once there he began changed into some workout clothes, but stopped. Instead he changed into rugged attire. Tapping his comm badge he put a call into the doctor, to see if she wanted to join him. He knew she could probably use the distraction.

=^= Da`nal to Dr. Hemmingway. Would you care to join me on the Holodeck for an excursion? =^=

Melanie was curled up on her bed waiting for the grieve to subside enough for sleep overtake her when a welcoming and strangely comforting voice came over the COMM system.

=^ Yes, I would be glad to." She said standing up and walking to the mirror. She sighed inwardly, Da'nal would see that she had been crying, her face and eyes were puffy.

=^=Give me a few minutes...let me clean up. =^=

=^= Excellent. I will have everything ready. Out. =^=

Da`nal arrived at the holodeck and called up a semi rugged landscape. Trails led off into the foot hills from the stables nearby. The re-creation was of his families lands within the Empire. Walking into the stables he saddled to Krelk's, hanging the food parcel on his saddle. Leading the animals out of the stables, leaving the well trained beasts to munch on some feed as he waited on the doctor to arrive.

Melanie walked into the holodeck and looked around the scene that she had entered. She walked towards the stables and saw Da'nal there with an animal that she had never seen before. Hopefully her shook of seeing the animal would draw the captain's attention away from her tear stained cheeks and buffy eyes. "Captain?"

Turning he saw her suprise and grinned. "Ah Doctor....glad you could join me. No better diversion than a new experience. I take it by your expression you've never riden a Krelk?"

"No...I cannot say that I have. Are they safe?" She asked tentatively.

Grinning he shook his head. "For the most part, though they have been known to use their riders as a weapon when startled." He said jokingly. Lowering the both krelks to their knees he swung his leg over. "Shall we go? I can coach you as we go."

"A weapon...not the same as being thrown from a horse." She said climbing onto the animal. "Like this?"

"Excellent. Now just use your knees shaprly and it'll come to its feet, but keep you arms up unless you want it pinned. Like this." Wrapping his mount sharply with his knees. Obediently the creature rose and its tile wrapped around his waist and the tip wrapped around the pommel of the saddle.

Melanie did what he had told her to do. "Oh!" She exclaimed raising her arms just in time before getting pinned. "Definately not like the horsebackriding back on Earth." She smiled up at the captain.

Da`nal smiled, so far so good. "Just use your knees and feet to stir...or shall I get a halter and lead you about?" He asked teasingly.

"I am sure I can handle this just fine." She replied. "And why are you teasing me?" She replied with a smile.

Shrugging he replied. "No reason. Just didn't want you to loose control of your mount and end up on the ground or worse."

"When I was on Earth, I would ride the wildest horse on the ranch."

"Ahh I see. Only one thing though. Earth horses can't pick up a rider and use them to defend itself when startled....stirring is one thing. If it senses a threat it will let go of the pommel. But don't worry I didn't program any surprises. Not for your first outting anyway."

"That is true. I have been bucked off the horses several times., broke my tailbone once." She laughed.

Da`nal laughed slightly at the imagined image of her having to sit on a donut pad...whincing as she did. "Haaahaaa....was it from the 'buck' or the landing?"

"The landing." She laughed, "And no...they were able to correct the break before the thought of a 'donut pad' was involved." She replied reading this thoughts. He had left his mind open and his thoughts flowed into her mind.

"Hmmm.....I really need to learn to keep from projecting." Turning in his saddle as he led off. "Either that or you are reading my mind."

"You are projecting but I haven't closed my mind either...I do not read other's minds without permission." She looked at him. "I will close my mind if you prefer."

As they headed off into the foot hills he looked over at her. "Well perhaps a little wouldn't hurt. It would be good if you know everything I'm thinking. Perhaps you could teach me some techniques to control my projections. Especially with the number of Betazoids in the crew."

"Yes...of course. I have taught those around me before." Her mind unintentionally wandering back to the time she had trained Talar to hide his thoughts from her and keep them hidden even from a Vulcan mind meld. Melanie turned her head away from Da'nal so he couldn't see the sadness. He had brought her here to distract her and here she was lingering on the memories of Talar, but was that not to be expected?

Seing her turn her head, but not knowing the reason he assumed she was looking at the lay of the land that was unfoldinng around them. "This is a replication of one of 'camps' my family has. This one in particular is used to entertain non-Klingon guests."

She composed herself before she looked back at him. "So this is tamer compared to the other camps?" She asked softly not trusting her voice.

"We have facilities on this and other planets able to recieve guests for any envirnment. Most Klingons don't bother but it has been very successful for our House. It has strengthen our position within the Empire. My father could be on the High Council, but he has no such ambitions."

"My father was a Starfleet Captain. He died at the Chin'toka battle. I was on his vessel, a nurse in the sickbay. Ta..." She stopped herself. "I'm sorry."

"There is nothing to be sorry for. You can't expect yourself to move on right away. It doesn't sound very Klingon I know, but you are an attractve woman. When you are ready, you will have no problem finding someone."

Melanie had been shielding her mind so that she didn't receive his random thoughts. What he said to her threw her off balance. "You think I am attractive?" She asked blushing. Since Melanie was attacked 12 years ago she had a hard time seeing herself as pretty or attractive.

"Well above average....."

"Captain...Da'nal..." Her blush growing deeper.

Laughing hard at her reaction. "Well at least you're smiling now."

"I think...that you have been laughing and smiling more today that I have." She smiled.

"Well lets see if we can't even the score..."

"How do you suggest we do that?"

Looking ahead he saw a small grove on the other side of small stream. "Do you see that groove ahead?"

She followed where his eyes were looking, "Yes, I do."

As she stared off into the distance he kicked his mount with his heels. As the beast took off he yelled back, "Race you...!"

~If it is a race you want...a race you will get!~ She projected already kicking the Krelk. Melanie had managed to catch up to him in a short number of strides. She smiled wickedly at him and kicked her mount harder moving past Da'nal.

As she thundered ahead he grinnedand evil grin, while bring his mount to a halt. Just as she reached the stream he shouted forcefully, "QeyHa'! Mev!" He watched as her Krelk unwrapped its tail and came to a skreeching halt, sending her into the water, quite unceremoniously.

Roaring with laughter he walked his mount to the waters edge and dismounted. "I'm sorry..." He started laughing again, as he walked into the water extending a hand to help her up.

Melanie sensed what the animal was about to do and braced herself against being thrown into the water. She flew in the air and hit the water hard. She was soaked from head to toe when Da'nal approached her.

Melanie took his hand with both of hers and pulled him into the water. "No you weren't." She smiled wickedly as he landed next to her.

Even though he allowed himself to be soaked hopoefully the sacrifice was worth it. Shaking the water from his face he as there in the water. "True...that was rather dishonorable of me wasn't it?"

"Very..." She laughed. "Thank you..."

"Your welcome Doctor." Standing he extended a hand to her for a second time.

"My name is Melanie...I prefer that over Doctor." She said as she rose, dripping wet. She wrung out her long blond hair throwing it over her shoulder.

Da`nal watched her as she stood...noticing the way her clothing clung to her form was unavoidable. It stirred a longing in him and he remembered how Anita had looked when they come out of that lake while they had been on shoreleave. Pushing the image from his mind he smiled. "Melanie it is...unless circumstances dictate otherwise of course."

Melanie blushed slightly, she sensed everything that he had been feeling. "Perhaps I should teach you to shield your mind Captain..." She responded softly.

"I think that would be a Very good idea. How do we proceed?"

"Sit here...we can dry off while we do this." She sat with her legs stretched out in front of her, almost close enough that they were touching Da'nal's. Once he was seated across from her she spoke again. "Clear your mind, I realise that is sounds cliche, but trust me it is easier. Think of it as you are enclosing your mind with brick walls. Not even a phaser blast can penetrate. It takes time and practice, but this will be usual...especially if you do not wish me or any of the other telepaths to hear your passing thoughts. Try it Da'...Captain."

Da`nal was trying to clear his mind as she instructed. Looking to her, "Da`nal is fine," he said as the corner of his mouth raised. It wasn't as easy as it sounded, but eventually he had the wall up and he nodded.

"Of course...unless the situation dictates otherwise." She smiled. "Now let me try and probe your mind, but keep your walls up." She entered his mind, comforting it as she went. Melanie smiled, his shields were even stronger than Talar's when he first attempted it. ~Good.~ She projected, quietly leaving his mind. She blushed again, the only man's mind that she had entered before was Talar's, she turned her face away from him.

He had 'heard' her approval at his attempt. But got the distinct feeling that she penetrated his wall with ease. "You blush rather frequently...find something interesting."

"I have never entered another man's mind, except for Talar. You finding me attractive makes me blush." She replied turning a deeper shade of pink.

"Well I think any man would find you attractive. If he didn't....I would think something wrong with him."

It was difficult to see herself as attractive, especially from the incident 12 years ago. But Talar saw her as a beautiful attractive woman...and so did the Captain. "But you are not any man Da'nal."

Many said that Klingons had no sense of humor, but Da`nal had spent enough time around other races to how to reply to a statement like that. Smoothing his wet hair back and puffing out his chest a bit. "you flatter me, but I don't know you that well yet. Oh you mean the Commanding Officer thing..."

Melanie smiled sadly. "That is not what I meant Da'nal. I have not known a man (other than family) to comfort a woman when she has lost her Imzadi."

Shrugging slightly. "Well what else was I supposed to do? I could see that you were in pain, you refused to see a counselor, so I had to do something. I could have made it an order....."

"It would have been the first order I would of disobeyed." She responded quietly.

Raising an eyebrow. "You admit you disobey orders to your commanding officer....not a smart move."

"I have admitted only that it would be the first that I would have disobeyed. Is it not better to speak the truth instead of going behind someone's back?"

Nodding. "For the most part."

"For the most part?" She asked clearly confused.

"It all depends on who you are dealing with. Excessive honesty can be hazardous. Over the years I've discovered that you can be Honorable with those who have honor, talk peace with those who want peace, deceive those who are deceiptful, and obey those in command." He added with a smirk

"I will not disobey your orders sir...unless it involves Talar. I cannot...drag a good man through the mud because of...what he was." She tried to smile back but failed.

"You have nothing to worry about. I forsee no reason that his name would even come up." Letting out a breath he continued. "Even though Romulans and Klingons have been blood enemies for centuries; even considering the history of bloodshed between my House and a particular Romulan House, I find your Talar to be an Honorable man." Huffing as he grinned, "I never thought I would see thet day where I refered to a Romulan as honorable... His defection, though unofficial, his service to others and you is commendable. Even in the end he was helping those wounded in the attack, he put his duty above himself....THAT is an Honorable death. Something to be respected, and if that respect hase to take the form of keeping his origins a secret - So be it."

"Thank you Captain." She smiled and touched his arm.


Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer
USS Freedom

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
USS Freedom


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