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Reunion on DS5 part 3

Posted on 22 Jun 2009 @ 12:03pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

924 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: CDO's quarters
Timeline: Backpost

"Yes... please," Ayren said smiling, "Otherwise you will stand here and talk nonsense all night long." She was slightly embarrassed, but hid it well, giving X'aedell the *eye*, who simply grinned back, pleased with herself.

The adults and children moved to the table where several Klingon dishes were laid out, some ordered from the Qe' at the promonade and some Ayren had prepared herself....
"Bon appitite!" the hostess said when all were ready.

Charg motioned for Da`nal to go first. "After you your party after all."

Huffing slightly. "No after you, I insist. My father would never forgive me if I didn't show proper respect to an Elder warrior....

"Is this going to take long..?" X'ae asked with a dead pan face. "I am hungry!" she said and sat down, eyeing the Klingon food. "No steaks..?" she asked as if exasperated.

"Xae.. ….eat what is there," Ayren mockingly chided her obstinate cousin.

The hybrid Klingon grumbled under her breath. "Fortunately I am hungry enough to eat a cow on my own," she commented drily.

Both Charg and Da`nal took their seats and Akhil saw to the children.

In true klingon fashion they began to eat without using their utensils. Looking across the table to Da`nal as Charg helped himself. Grabbing several items from off their various platters. "You'l have to forgive X’ae...she still uses a fork."

X'aedell glared at both men... and pointedly stuck her fork into a piece of meat in front of her. "Be careful husband... at some stage we will be alone and this sharp object might find its way into your flesh..." she threatened. It was hard to tell whether she was joking or being her half Klingon self.

Da'nal laughed. "Better watch yourself my friend. This one bites."

"You have no idea. If it wasn't for that dermal regenerator I'd show you the scar." As he reached behind himself a patted himself on this backside. "But as they say....The greater the challenge, the sweeter the victory."

Ayren laughed at the banter, shaking her head. Knowing intimately what her cousin had gone through, she was truly happy for her, ignoring the pang in her own heart. She had always managed to fall in love with the wrong guy or even liked the wrong guy. "X'ae had met her match..." she chuckled and winced at the glare she knew she would receive from her temperamental cousin.

"What... is this a *gang up against X'ae* - game?" X'ae asked seemingly indignant and looked to the children for help. "I need some help here… they are ganging up against me..!" Of course they were only interested in their food and didn't understand her anyway. "Victory.... ," she grumbled. "It was he who fell first..." she said with a smirk, stuffing another fireskin in her mouth.

Both Da`nal and Charg spoke at the same time."You're supposed to light that first....."

"I know... as far as I know... YOU still taught me...." X'ae said indignantly looking at Charg, "I just wanted to taste then without seering my tongue!" With that she dipped one in the cup close by, lightled it and placed in her mouth. "Happy?"she asked after she had swallowed.

"Much better..." he was about to comment how she still was using her fork but thought better of it. He was going to have to sleep with one eye open as it was.

"I *heard* that.. and I will eat with a fork as long as I want. .I don't like my hands full of food," X'ae grumbled. She glancedd sideways at Aryen, who also ate without utensils, but had mananged ... of course.... to do do even that with elegance. It was as if her hands stayed clean,. How the hell she managed that, no one knew.

Da`nal chuckled ans reached over the table slapping Charg in the shoulder. "You always did like a challenge didn't. Be careful she doesn't stick you with that fork of her."

"Not to worry..." Looking at Xae and arching his brow, "...I'll just sticker her back. But enough about us this is your night my friend...To celebrate your victory and your new command!"

"Indeed," Ayren said with a smile, once again being the good hostess. "I congratulate you and wish you success, Qapla'!" she said and raised her glass

"Me too," X'ae said, but sensed the Ayren's underlying feelings, resisting a glance in her direction. ~Damn~ she sent to her husband.....~Now we will never know if it could have worked...~

Raising his glass, "batlh jaghpu'lI' DaQaw'jaj!" ~you never know..~

X'ae lifted her glass in agreement with the toast, but her heart ached for her beautiful cousin. It wasn;t fair... she was so happy and here Ayren was... so far and yet so near. With her mind filled with these thoughts her eyes caught those of Da'nal for a moment, wondering if he could read what was in them.

Da`nal caught the glance from his friends mate as he lifted his glass. As he did he caught movement from the other direction. His daughter had gotten down and was climbing into Ayren's had seemed his children had chosen their surrogate. ~Perhaps one day...but would it be possible?~ Smiling he looked to all those assembled, "Success and Honor to you all."


Commander Da'nal
CO USS Freedom

Lt Charghwi'IH
USS Merlin
NPC by Sharon

Lt X'aedell Kelan
Chief Counselor
USS Merlin
NPC by Sharon

Ayren Kelan
NPC by Sharon


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