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Collecting Samples

Posted on 25 Aug 2010 @ 10:19pm by Captain Reva Madhava

1,060 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Transporter Room
Timeline: MD 2, 11:00 hours


Lt. Meru had called Ensign Madhava to join her in the transporter room with her science kit in hand. Anara waited patiently for the ensign. She planned to collect samples for the USS Ballard. She was certain that they would be able to find some of the pieces to this mystery.

Madhava had received that order, retrieved a science kit and wandered down to the transporter room. In the final few meters, she hurried and came into the room looking like she'd hurried the whole way. "Lieutenant, I'm Reva Madhava," she introduced herself and ignored the attentive gaze of the transporter tech. "I understand we're off to mine for samples. Do you have any idea what we might find?"

Anara saw the Orion Betazoid for the first time, "Good to meet you, Ensign. I'm not sure what will be there. I am told that the medical team has been called to help their injured, so they must be severely under staffed."

She moved onto the transporter padd. Once Reva was standing beside her, she nodded at the transporter chief and then watched as they were transported to the ship.

~ ~ ~

Released from the transporter's grip, Reva looked about the room they were in.

Anara led the way down to the point of the site. She opened her own science kit and took out gloves. She pointed to one side of the room, "Why don't you take out your tools and begin taking samples? Metal fragments go into containers, as does anything else you will find."

She then moved to her knees and began looking over the area that she was at. She picked up fragments with a special tool and began placing them in glass tubes and setting them into her kit.

Doing just what she was told, Reva went to the opposite side of the room, donned gloves and visually searched the surfaces for things to collect. From one surface, she scraped particles of some sort into a glass vial, labeled it and set it in her kit. Working studiously and silently, Reva covered a good portion of the room before stopping to stare at an item. Softly, she blew on it and looked a little closer. She quickly recoiled. "Lieutenant..., there are ...well, there's... uh... a body part here," she called her boss over.

Anara moved over to where Reva was calling her. She bent down to take a look at the body part. "There seems to be something attached to it..." She retrieved a plastic bag and then used tongs to place the part into the bag. "It looks like a part of a leg. If you find any other body parts, put them together and I will do my best to identify them and put them in bags. Once we have done our testing in the lab, we'll need to give this to the medical department. Then these people can be laid to rest adequately."

"It doesn't look like there'll be much to be laid to rest," Reva commented before going about her job, finding, bagging, tagging and stowing evidence. Some of what she found, she could guess what it was; things such as fingers, an ear... She swallowed hard as she dropped what looked to be a toe into a sample bag. When she had several such bags, she went back over to Meru. "Ma'am, there's more. It looks like we have three big toes, not necessarily all from the same person," she pointed those out. "And, when we get back to the ship, I'll analyze this white powder I found," she held up another glass vial.

"That all looks like good work, Reva. I had them transport some large containers for these body parts. Start packing everything away. If we need to come back, we will, but this looks like more than enough to bring to the lab," Anara responded.

She helped Reva move the various body parts into large containers. She placed the larger parts in first and then the smaller parts on top. She labeled what she could and set all of her smaller vials into her kit and closed it up. Then she began moving the large crates back to the transporter padd.

She glanced at Reva, "Ready?"

"Ready," Reva nodded looking over the crates and anticipating the lab work yet to be done. She was eager to figure out the powders and charred traces.

She tapped her badge, "Lt. Munez, 2 to beam back."

Back on the Achilles, Reva helped move the crates off the pad and onto a pallet for transport to the Science labs. Guiding it, she walked with Meru, "That's... that was... interesting, Lieutenant." Interesting was an understatement: it was Reva's first experience with large scale carnage of that sort.

Anara gave a soft chuckle, "Interesting? We haven't gotten to the most fun. Checking the PH, putting samples under a microscope, measuring metal percentages and identifying genetic material. I imagine that you would like full control of the centrifuge? Thankfully our chief engineer made sure that it was in tip top working condition."

"And then after all that...recording, recording, recording and mounds of paper work. Of course the Captain will want summaries, but we need to be very detailed- after all- we are scientists," she beamed at the ensign. "Ready for the real work?"

Reva laughed and wondered about the Chief's sanity - just for a moment. Then she nodded, "Yes, I am, Lieutenant. I simply meant that the scene was a little gorier than what I've ever seen before. Nothing I can't handle, though." She flashed a brilliant smile at Anara.

They turned a corner, entered and exited a lift and finally approached the Science Lab. "I'll take centrifuge detail, Ma'am," it was one of the few machines that required little cleaning after each use. "And leave you the paperwork," she joked.

Anara laughed along with the woman, "Nice try." She helped Reva move everything into the lab. Then she began separating things and placing them where they would likely go. "We should start by putting together an inventory. Then we will organize everything and figure out how to prioritize the work."

She watched as other science officers came in and began helping to put the samples into proper organization.


Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


Ens. Reva Madhava
Science Officer
USS Achilles


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