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Phase one has begun...

Posted on 14 Jul 2010 @ 12:03pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

475 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: USS Ballard
Timeline: MD 1

The damage had been extensive and the chaos that followed the explosions was unheard of.

The damage to the main computer core had prevented emergency force fields from activating. Anyone in the corridors of the damaged decks had been blown into space.

Power surges had blown out system after system causing secondary explosions all over the ship.
Main power was fluctuating elsewhere causeing problems everywhere.

The saucer section was complete without power and emergency power was fluctuating, if it failed so would life support.

Communication and internal sensors were out. The only functional external sensors was the enginnering hulls lateral array.

The auxillery sickbay was completely over-run. The surviving medical staff had been forced to move the base of medical operations there and the power issues kept them from activating the EMH to help the critically reduced medical crew.

The warp core and antimatter containment had been automatically isolated and the engieering crew was working frantically to stabilize the ships systems. Fortunately the ship had been in a southern orbit so the blasts had pushed the Ballard away from the star. However if they didn't restore control their orbit would begin to degrade. However if they didn't get the shield up it wouldn't matter...everyone would be dead from the stars radiation.

The surviving Marines...the ones that hadn't been gaurding the visiting ships or standing as honor gaurd...scrammbled to secure the ship against boarding parties but they were severly undermanned as only 83 of their 128 person detachment had been able to check in.

Lt Pryce had been in shuttlebay preparing to depart on an underwater survey when the power failed. The shuttle onboard computer sealed the shuttle but everyone and everything else was blown into space when the shuttlebay;s field collapsed. Drifting in space he regined his seat and activated the shuttle engines to avoid hitting the ship as the aft section bagan to rise up towards him.
"What the hell was that," he exclaimed!

"Unable to process inquiry," came the computer's reply.

After several attempts to contact the Ballard failed. He watched as the ship continued to slowly pitch end over end. The destruction on the saucer section was sickening, it had to be somekind of attack, he wasn't aware of anything on the ship that could have caused the damage he was seeing. Opening a channel he sent out a general distress call. "This is Ltjg Varner to any Federation ship the USS Ballard has suffered massive damage from an attack...."

At that point the channel went dead as his shuttle exploded. He had been so focused on the ship and concern for his friends that he fail to notice the approaching vesssels or the weapons being locked on his tiny craft.

[Larcian spacecraft]

As the flash of the explosion faded Naroun stood and look to his crew. "Lets get started..."


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