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Crew Mixer - Part 3 - PARTY TIME

Posted on 14 Jul 2010 @ 10:04pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,898 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Gym
Timeline: MD 1 - 2000 to 2200

**** Everyone that didn't participate thus far has been removed. All except Mel that has a tag hanging out there for her


A few Marines helped Akhil bring in the additional libations. After all there was no social gathering of Marines EVER, that didn't have an ample supply of alcohol. Da`nal stepped over to the the barrel and broke it open. Filling his tankard he lifted a toast to the bride and groom. "To the new couple. May your time together be joyous, honorable and...fruitful."

Ayren lifted her glass in unison with Da'nal wishing the couple all the best. being newly wed herself, she joined in their celebration

Lifting her glass up Jess blushed at the last comment and looked shyly at John knowing that eventually she would like to have his child.

John pulled Jess in with one arm while holding his glass in his other hand, he rested his forehead on hers, giggling then he spoke where only she could hear him, "Fruitful hey?"

Chuckling Jess whispered "I'd like to practice for a little while before we try for the real thing ... but could be fun."

John grinned, "We are definitely going to get lots and lots of practice, starting tonight." John kissed his new wife tenderly.

Grinning back Jess kissed him and then moved into his arms "I look forward to the practice."

"I just may have to keep you up all night to make sure we are on the same sheet of music." John chuckled.

Jess grinned "Good thing my doctor has given me two weeks off ..." She blushed as she realized she hadn't told him that yet and knew he would be curious as to why.

"Looks like we have something to talk about when we get home." John said in a more serious tone.

Nodding Jess gave him a slightly guilty look "Yeah ..."

John watched her for a moment and then decided that it couldn't wait. He lead her over to some chair then sat her down and sat beside her, "Okay kiddo, spit it out."

Jess sat down and admitted with a sigh "The reason I was kept overnight the other night ... Melanie found a small bleed from the concussion, she healed it but she said brains are tricky things and wants me taking it easy for two weeks."

"So, no practice for you for a while." John frowned sarcastically.

"She said that was fine ... I just ...." Jess sighed and looked at him "I'm sorry ... I should have told you ... I don't know how to be married, I've never been married before."

"Well you are now, no more secrets like that okay?" John smiled warmly, he wasn't mad or anything, just wanted to know.

Nodding she snuggled against him again and sighed happily "I promise ... and Melanie has made a note that you are to be informed straight away if anything that happens."

John held her tight, "Okay, good enough." John began eying the cake, "That sure looks good."

Her stomach growling Jess nodded "Cake sounds good."

"Custom has it that we cut the cake together an we get the first slices together. Shall we cut the cake?"

"Sounds good ... maybe we can sneak out of the party early ... " She gave him an impish grin.

John and Jess stood close to the cake with a knife. Everyone began to gather and watch as the Bride and groom would cut the cake and have first slices. They both held the knife as they cut softly.

Grinning mischievously Jess picked up a bit of the cake and swiped it over John's lips before kissing it off of him "Mmm yum ."

John groaned when she cleaned his lips. "Uh huh, you do taste good." John took a small piece of the cake and slowly moved it too her lips. Once it was only an inch away he playfully pushed it on the outside of her mouth forming a big mess over her mouth and chin. Once done, John commenced to licking off the cake.

Jess moaned under her breath in pleasure as she heard a couple of laughs from the group around them. Closing her eyes she pulled John into another kiss spreading the cake over both their faces.

Anara continued to watch from her table. She smiled as the happy couple sliced the cake and fed it to each other. She turned to Zachary, "The new bride is your new Chief Engineer. You might want to give her a congratulations when you first meet her."

"I wish I had a camera... Who knew the Captain would put together such a thing so un-expectantly? These events need far more notice..." she said in a matter of fact tone. She saved when she had looked through already on her PADD and put it away. "Would you like some cake?"

Zach looked to Anara and smiled "Of course I will congratulate her, what kind of guy would I be if I didn't?" Zach then looked back to the newlyweds "Computer record the next three hours of the events in the gym for Lieutenant Meru Anara." Zach then turned back to Anara "No, thank you I never been a big fan of cake."

"Thank you- I should have thought of that!" she laughed softly. "Enjoy the party, then." She stood up and made her way over to the happy couple. She watched as slices of the cake were placed on small plates. She got herself a small plate and began eating it slowly and looking around.

She wanted to speak to the happy couple, but they seemed very much preoccupied right now. It didn't see appropriate for her to interfere.

John was now cutting the cake and placing the pieces on small plates while Jessica handed out the plates to party-goers as they walked up. Everyone seemed to be in a very cheerful mood and congratulated the newly weds as they received their cake.

Anara gave Jessica a hug, she spoke softly to her, "Congratulations- I wish you both the best." She smiled at John before moving out of the way, so that others could also come up to the happy couple.

Smiling at Anara Jess hugged her back "Thanks Anara .."

Don had managed to stay unobtrusively on his own for most of the evening, something he often did on a party. When he saw a break in the well wishing line up, he approached the couple. "Congrats," he said to John, extending his hand to him and embracing Jessica a hug with his other arm.

Jess hugged Don back and whispered in his ear "Thank you ... you wont have to worry about me pulling stunts like that again."

"You'd better not," Don mock chided the new bride with a wink.

"Thank you sir." John smiled back at the man, "Care for some cake?"

"Thank you, but I'd rather have whiskey," Don grinned.

[Sometime Later]

The party was still in full swing when the comm sounded, cancelling out the music. =^= Captain to the Bridge! Priority message from Admiralty. =^=

All conversation quieted, eyes shifting in Da`nal's direction. He could feel their combined gaze of the crew, ~So much for the little shakedown...~. Looking around to everyone, "What are you stopping for? Carry-on....until we have reason to stop." As the head out the festivities resumed, but more restrained.

[Ready Room]

Da`nal stepped ouf of the lift and as everyone looked in his drirection he pointed to the Ready Room. Still moving he spoke, "I'll take it in there."

Activating his monitor it rose from the surace of his desk and the Federation emblem faded to be replace by that of Now Admiral Wallace.

Da`nal grinned at his old aquaintance. "Well I see they finally decided to promote you."

"That they did. How are you settleing in there?"

"Very well actually..."

The Admiral raised his hand to cut off his one time comrad-in-arms. "Sorry Da`nal but there really isn't time to chat...later I promise."

It wasn't like his former colleuge to be so serious..unless there was something very wrong. "Whats the situation?"

"We got a distress call from the USS Ballard stating she was under attack. The messege came from a Lieutenant in the Ballards Oceanagraphic research department."

"Oceanagraphic....? What happened to the senior officers?"

"Unknown. The Ballard was host a peace negotiation in the Altarian system. Now I know you guys are just fresh out of the gate but you are the closest and the best equipped to deal with a hostile situation. I'm sending you the details of her mission."

"Understood. Our Orders?"

"Get to the Ballard as fast as you can, secure the ship. Re-take her if necessary, if you can't you are authorized to destroy the vessel."

The Ballard was a Galaxy class ship, but he knew why he was given that particular order. No matter what, they could not allow a Galaxy class ship to fall into hostile hands.

"Aye Sir."

Wallace nodded. "Good Luck."

Returning the nod the channel closed, and Da`nal did not hesitate heading back out onto the Bridge. As he crossed the distance to his chair, "Computer Yellow alert."

The bridge lighting shifted and without even taking his seat he hit a panel on the arm of his chair opening a channel throughout the ship. "All Hands Yellow Alert. Senior Officers report the Observation lounge."


Jess looked at her husband and then over at Melanie before thinking to Melanie ~Mel? I need your permission to go ... there's no one in engineering high enough in rank to deal in an emergency.~

John took his wife's arm to get her attention, "Remember, you are not cleared for duty for a reason, I don't want you to lose your balance and fall somewhere in Engineering, you need to rest...period. I know you want to be there, but you are not ready...."

Melanie nodded. "I'm sorry Jessie. I can't let you...if anything happened to you John here would kill me. Besides that, your brain still hasn't completely healed."

Jess nodded and leant against him "Ok ... I'll behave ... will you at least let me go to the Observation Lounge?"

John nodded in acknowledgment, "Very well, so you can get some information to pass on to your people, then I will escort you home. Its yellow alert, so right now the ship is not in danger and your engines are fine." John looped his arm for her to take, "Shall we, Mrs. Cole?"

"We shall Mr Cole." Jess gave him a grin.

Casiday just slinked back to the sickbay without saying another word

John looked at the Marine detail, "XO get them back to Marine country. As soon as I find out something I will hold a briefing." After Mrs Cole slipped her arm in his the newlyweds departed the gym and began heading for the briefing.


"Helm set a course for the Altarian system and engage at Warp 9." Da'nal saw the apprehension on the faces of the personnel standing in for those normally on duty. Apprehesion or not they knew the order and their duty and carried it out.


Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer

LtCmdr Donovan Killian

Lt.JG Casiday Taylor
Medical officer

Major John Cole
Marine CO
USS Achilles

Lt Jessica Cole
USS Achilles

Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
USS Achilles


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