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Change in plans - part 3

Posted on 22 Apr 2010 @ 11:58am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,141 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Main Briefing Room
Timeline: MD 2 0900

"That was the main issue - no other officers were called to testify nor were any statements taken. Instead everything was brushed aside and all blame was laid at Lt. Charghwl'IH's feet. During his trial and sentencing he was not allowed to bring up anything relating to the Captain's activities. So instead of accepting punishment for a crime he didn't commit he chose exile. With the help of General D'Grath, there officially to testify as a character witness, he fled. Taking asylum in the Klingon Empire."

"You know more of the details than I would expect, Captain," Rhys said warily, speaking for the first time since they'd received their change in orders.

Ayren sensed that Rhys was well informed, and knew far more than she would have anticipated, but something else drew her attention. ~Lieutenant Chargwl'IH?? That is X'aedy's mate. How small the universe is....!~ she mused.

"Yes I do know a great many details on this. For I knew the Lieutenant personally. I filed protests on his behalf as did others in the Klingon Empire. Eventually given the manner of his escape and the Houses he is associated with, the case was reopened and examined properly. To make an already long story short. The Lieutenant was cleared, Captain Draper and Lt Commander Yevgeny Kafelnikov were found guilty and sentenced to life in a penal facility."

"What exactly is our mission?" Don asked. He had been so pre-occupied, that he thought he missed something, in between wondering how the hell Rhys knew so much.

Our duty is clear. Recover the USS Weatherby, and if possible any of her crew and stop the spread of this fungus. Dr. Montoya, you and your staff examine the medical records and see what if anything can be done."

"Yes, sir...Lt. Lawrence?"

"Brief your staff then meet with me on that."

"Aye sir."

"Lt. Kage, you and your people need to be ready for operation in EV suits. Review the tactical information on the Weatherby, she may be a Nova class ship but I don't want to take any chances."

"Aye sir, understood." Kage replied.

"MacCallum, how are we following the repairs on the station?"

"Well Sar, It's been quite a process, but Ah think she's aboot finished minus a few little issues." He admitted quietly. "She'll be quite ready for ye when ye need 'er, as always."

"Good, I want to be able to completely seal off any area of the ship at a moments notice. If this turn into a fight and we get boarded I don't want them fungus getting anywhere. Check the Database and see just how the Aldeberan crew managed their decon."

"Understood Sar," Mac replied, "Ah'll go over the lockdown protocols maeself, just t' be sure they're up t' speed."

"Of that I have no doubt. Science, go through those records as well and work with medical. If the ship has been taken I want a way to get our people back."

There was a sharp nod from the science officer as she acknowledged the order, making notes on her PADD.

"Silonez, tie into the orbiting survey probes and monitor the situation as we approach."

"I'll need the command codes for the probes along with the lock codes for the computer."

"Ayren, I need options. Starfleet wants a diplomatic solution, so we will have to come up with something."

"I will see to do some checking," she answered, wondering if she should speak to Rhys as well.

"Don, I want a standing yellow alert. Before we enter the Weatherby's sensor range go to Red Alert and engage the Cloaking belay that. Lets wait and see what they are up to first."

Don nodded. I will see to it," he said.

Da`nal scanned the room one last time."If the Crew of the Weatherby is lost to this fungus they no doubt know that their cousins had been obliterated. So not only could we be facing the combined knowledge of another ships crew but a possibly vengeful one at that. A Klingon stood up for this life form once and that is why we have been chosen. No doubt command hope that this being could trust a Klingon in return. Any questions?"

"Are the original genetic strain scans still on file somewhere or are we starting at ground zero on this one?" Silonez asked

"I would think all the Aldeberan's finding would be in the computer. However be prepared for the unexpected. Though similar, this is a differnt planet, so it would have evolved differently; with different strengths and weaknesses. What worked two years ago may not work at all."

Da`nal looked at everyone, "We can't afford what happened then to happen again. However I...we cannot allow this life form to spread either. The last time the Captain and XO chose to act with the knowledge of the crew or senior staff. That decision and rumor tore the crew apart. Those siding with the Chief of Security and those backing the Captain. Keep your people informed, keep them prepared and focused."

As his gaze moved from officer to officer he paused with a very quiet and apprehensive looking Petty Officer. "One last thing. Attention to orders."

Everyone around the table rose...even Rhys.

"Petty Officer Jessica Logan. Given the current situation in Operations and the events leading up to now and after speaking Commander Killian and the reading the reports of both Lieutenants Kage and Flaherty concerning your efforts. You request for transfer out of Operations is denied."

Jessica felt utterly humilated, called inftont ot the senior staff to be shot down...

"Instead I hearby promote you to the rank of Ensign; with all the rights and responsibilities there to. For the time being you are now in charge of Operations, and once this crisis is over I want you to report to the XO. There will be a few academics requirement to make that rank perminent, but I'm sure you will do fine."

She could feel her mouth drop, and closed it quickly as she swallowed hard. "Thank you sir."


Don grinned at her reactions and extended his hand to her. "Congrarulations, welcome to the world of reports," he said, with mirth.

She was still in shock as she took the diplomats hand. "Thank you sir, I"

Da`nal grinned at her surprise, "Ok People we have work to do, dismissed. Ayren. If you'd remain a moment."

"Sure," Ayren said nodding. "And congratulations, Ensign. Don't let the XO scare you," she teased as she also extended her hand in congratulations.


Catain Da`nal

Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Ayren Kelan

Lt. MacCallum Flaherty

Lt. Silonez Eircson

Ltjg. Jason Kage

Molare Office and Bartender

Ens. Jessica Logan - NPC
Acting COPS


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