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Friendly Competition

Posted on 22 Apr 2010 @ 12:00pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

710 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Security
Timeline: MD 2 1000

Jessica's mouth was dry and tacky. The ship was now at yellow alert, but that was only part of the issue. She was now an officer and in command of an entire department. Jessica tried to put the shock of the promotion out of her mind, she had a lot of work to do. The foe they face was like nothing she had ever heard of. With that in mind she made her way to security to draw addition weapons and power cells for her people.

Hannah looked up from the phaser she was reassembling to see another woman enter the room. "Can I help you?" she asked turning back to the phaser.

"Yes I need to have all of my staff armed with type 2a phasers and suppled with additional power cells."

Hannah glanced back up at her and noted the rank displayed on her collar with an inward smile. "Your staff, huh?"

Looking down at her collar; "Oh yea. Well I just got promoted at a meeting of the senior staff, just came from there. I guess I so use to being the one doing the leg work it never occurred to me to assign the job to someone else.

She stood up and made her way over to the weapons lockers. "Congratulations. And I know what you mean, it's a strange thought, having to give the orders to other people that you used to have to carry out yourself."

"Tell me about. But I'm more worried about Lt. Lawerence's reaction when he wakes up. Dr. Montoya...the new CMO, said he has in sedated for now but he can't keep him that way forever. I just hope the treatment he said he's working on actually works"

"Ahh the guy who was locked up in a holding cell the other day," Hannah commented, wanting to say something stronger but restraining herself. "I wouldn't worry about him."

"Yea...well I had originally put in for a transfer to either Security or Engineering over his crap. But the Captain, XO and the new doc seem to have him taken care of." Jess fell into her normal 'girl' mode, "You saw the new CMO then. So what do you think of him, hmmm?"

Hannah turned away on the pretense of looking through the locker behind her so that she wouldn't see her slight blush. "He was... interesting I guess. What about you?"

"You guess????!" Her hands went to her hips as she smirked a bit.

Hannah giggled a little. "Well I know your answer anyway. Ok maybe I KNOW he's ... interesting."

Jessica's eyes went wide with surprise. "You know!! When?! Is he as cute without his uniform as he is with..."

"No! No I didn't mean I know as in... I know," she said getting embarrassed. "I just meant... how many phasers did you say you needed?" she asked rapidly changing the subject.

Jessica laughed, surprisingly given what they was ahead. "I'll take 7 for now. I'll have the the head of each shift send down some to draw the rest. And that's good to hear...I'd hate to have to fight you for him." She humorously.

Hannah smiled as she began packing the phasers into a case. "Don't worry about that."

Returning the smile warmly. "Not your type...or just not up to the challenge?"

She closed up the case and then raised her eyebrows with a smile again. "A challenge?"

Jessica reached up to take the case but Hannah's was obviously not letting go just yet. "Yea, " her eyebrow arching quickly with as she grinned devilishly. "To the winner goes the spoils...broad shoulders and all."

Hannah smirked and held onto the case for a few moments longer before letting go. "In that case... may the best woman win."

Jess took the case, it would be interseting to see if this little competion stayed friendly or got down and dirty. Oh, don't worry..I will," she said with a wink. She headed out to get her peoprl armed and ready for the upcoming encounter but the tossed a wave back as she reached the door. "See ya'round..."

Hannah threw her a last smile. "See you."


Acting Ensign Jessica Logan
NPC - played by Chris

Ensign Hannah Dawson
Security Officer


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