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Posted on 14 Apr 2010 @ 11:50am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,217 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Docking umbilical between Ship & SB 47
Timeline: Backpost - prior to departure

Melanie slowly came out of the coma not knowing where she was. She knew it was a sickbay but she didn't recognize it as her own. Mel heard the alarms sounding as her heart began to race and her breath quickened. Melanie tried to sit up but she was under restraint.

"Let me out!" She exclaimed.

Dr. Grisham spun at the exclaimation. ~Amazing~ He rush to the woman's side. Take it easy...You're ok...Do you remember anything about what happend to you?"

"No! Put let me out!" Melanie struggled. "Please...." She begged tears rolling down the sides of her head, her emotions were strong enough the Betazoid was projecting them to those around her.

Even with the sudden rush of fear he was feeling he barked an order to this attending. "20cc's ambizine!" AS the hypo was slapped into his hand he pumped it into the hystercial patient.

"NO!" Melanie wanted to pull away from the hypospray but couldn't. Her eyes closed and her mind stilled.

[Several Hours Later]

THe ambizine was due to were off. As a precatioun he had the Doctor relocated to an isolation room and had another hypo ready to go just in case. He checked her blood chemistry onthe display, "should be any minute now..."

Melanie felt the fog around her lifting. She opened her eyes and she was in a different room then she remembered. " I?" Her voice was nothing more than a whisper, a completely different response from the hysterics from several hours before.

"Take it easy Doctor. You've been through alot. What do you remember?"

Melanie closed her eyes briefly, trying to remember. "I was on Earth, in New Zealand...I had just gotten word that I was needed back in Starfleet."

"Nothing more than that?"

"Is this not the Freedom? Did I not make it there?" Melanie asked, scared of the answer that would come.

~Well she remembers her last assignment. At least her orders to it anyway.~ "No this isn't the Freedom. You are on StarBase 47. You were injured while serving on the Freedom."

"Please let me out of these restraints and tell me what happened to me...perhaps I can help solve the memory loss? Or at least let me return to the Freedom?" Melanie knew that he would let her out of the forcefield restraints and he would tell her what happened but he probably wouldn't let her leave sickbay yet...

Tapping the panel next to her bed he released the restraints. "I can't allow you to leave sick bay until we determine the extent of your memory loss." As she sat up he handed her a padd containing the images of the Freedom's crew. "Do you remember any of these people?"

Melanie sat up slowly allowing her muscles to adjust to movement again. She took the PADD from the Doctor and scanned through the pictures. "No...I do not." She said sadly shaking her head. "I'm sorry." Melanie handed the PADD back to the Doctor.

Not giving any kind of reaction, he took the padd an opened another file with promienant people from DS5, and her previous duty station. Working backwards he would find the point were the memory loss began. "Ok how about any of these individuals.

"Her...but I do not know why I am supposed to know her." She pointed to the Romulan Ambassador on DS5. "What would I have to do with her? Doctor...what the hell happened?"

"You had reported for duty to the Freedom. During a mission to escort this woman, the Romulan Ambassador assigned to DS5, you suffered sever cranial trauma. As a result you have some memory loss. Luckily, it appears to be localized to a short period of time. I'd like to have to take a few tests to examine your long term memory. Do you feel up to it?"

"Test away..." She replied, "Do you know what happened that caused the trauma?"

He crossed the room to a computer terminal and set up a medical exam. As he ready the test he replied. "The Freedom was attacked...several time if what I heard was true. ONe of the medical officer on the Freedom placed you in stasis and used nanoprobes to repair the damage. Not to worry. Once you were stabilized we removed the nanoprobes."

"First Romulans, then Borg technology." She shook her head. "I suppose it could of been worse. I could be dead, instead I have only lost part of my memory."

"Thats a good out look to have."

[A few days later]

Da`nal was returning to the ship after meet with Mok. The next morning the ship would be leaving the station finally and the crew would have to get used to ship life once again. As he neared the middle of the walkway he heard someone running up behind him. Turning he saw a face he hadn't planned on seeing for some time. If ever. "Dr Hemmingway...?"

Melanie nodded, "And you are Captain Da'nal correct?" She didn't have the confidence in her voice that she once had.

He was again surprised. She didn't seem to remember him. "Yes I am."

She handed him the PADD that she was carrying with her medical file. "I have lost part of my memory. The last thing I remember is a request to return to duty when I was living in New Zealand."

Da`nal looked over the PADD. According to the Stations medical staff her medical knowledge was intact and the memory loss was localized to the time just prior to her arrival on DS5 upto and including her time on the Freedom. Given the tramatic events on DS5 he wasnot surprised her memory loss icluded the events prior to her injury. She had been cleared for duty and the Counselor felt that exposure to her previous surrounding might help restore her memory.

He look up to the Doctor and nodded. "Its good to have you back. I'l see that your belonging are beamed aboard. We have order to depart tomorrow morning but in the mean time report to Dr. Montonya out CMO and get a feel for the ship....again. Don't push yourself to hard to fast and if you have any issues you can talk with Ayren Kellan. Of course my door is always open as well."

"Yes sir." Melanie nodded. "Sir? Do you know what happened to me? I couldn't seem to get any answers from the medical team here."

"I do, but now is not the time. Get yourself settled and once we are under way we can talk over lunch."

"That bad is it?" She asked not epecting an answer back. "I will come and talk to you in a week then...after I have settled in."

Da'nal took her shoulder. "There is no need to wait that long, I should be free tomorrow if you like."

She patted his hand that was on her shoulder. "Yes, alright I will come by and see you tomorrow." Melanie smiled. His touch felt familiar to her and new questions formed in her mind and she wondered what had happened for her to even think of the familiarity.

"Good, Welcome back."


Capt. Da`nal

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
USS Freedom


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