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Change in plans - part 1

Posted on 12 Apr 2010 @ 4:17pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,605 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Briefing room
Timeline: MD 2 - 0800

The Freedom was finally under way once again...and without Romulan hull plating. Da`nal had taken the time to survey his ship personally and was pleased to see that his ship no longer had patches of green on her hull.

Now the ship was at warp, heading to Star Base 29 to pick up their passengers. He had reviewed the current mission which was as straight forward as it could get. At any rate he needed to let his officers know what was going on. Not only that but he needed to advise them as to what had happened to Lt. Lawrence; the last thing he needed was a bunch of rumors floating around.

Da`nal stepped out onto the bridge to see his XO already there. "Good morning Don."

Don got up and turned to Da`nal. "Morning Captain. The senior staff had been informed of the briefing, it is set for 0815," he said. Mostly the DH's had reporting meeting with their staff first think with gamma shift changing to alpha and he allowed time for that. He handed Da`nal a Padd. "The reports from bridge last night. Environmental is still playing up with the new filter couplings," Don commented slightly frustrated. Their production took forever and ate up a lot of free time. "They upgraded shield generator works very well. The shield deploys faster, I ran tests on it myself last night, " he smiled.

"Good, be sure Flaherty and Blaire have that coupling on their to do list. Though I'm sure it already is." He returned the Padd to his XO as the entered the briefing room to wait on the arrival of the others as Silonez joined them.

Silonez looked down at a PADD that Lita had finished compiling, "We're doing some historical research down in the cave, plus we did an inventory and for some reason we have a full complement of type two b phasers in inventory, so if anyone needs to be re-qualified we can make arrangements to do so."

"Good idea, check the personnel files, if anyone need to re-qualify or scored low set them up for a refresher course and re-qualification."

Jessica had arrived early. She was surprised that she had been asked to attend a meeting of the senior staff. But none the less she took a seat in the briefing room and try look like she wasn't there. Hard to do when one was the only person in the room. She stood as the Captain and the other entered, continuing their discussion.

Da`nal took notice of the Petty Officer and grinned. "As you were Ms. Logan. First senior staff meeting?"

"Yes sir."

"Well don't worry, Mr. Silonez doesn't bite."

[Officers Quarters]

Rico left from his quarters in a rush. He and Miss Kelan had been up all night trying to figure out what was wrong with Lawrence. He had a theory, but even if correct his treatment didn't mean a cure for his condition.

[Briefing Room]

Lieutenant Mac Flaherty entered the room silently, gliding over to a seat and taking it, completely engrossed in reading the PADD in his hand. He did have his work cut out for him, still unfinished from the amount of things that had been on the list when they entered dock, but the work requiring spacedock had thankfully been finished on schedule. This was simply the leftover, 'easy' portion of the work that was decidedly not so 'easy' as they had hoped.

After Ayren had left the med lab, she hoped to get at least a few hours sleep, but the twins had other ideas and she walked into the briefing yawning. "Sorry..." she said, got a strong cup of coffee from the replicator and sat down.

Da`nal looked over at Ayren, for all intents and purposes she was his mate, though there had been no discussion on the subject. "Rough evening?"

"As rough as it can be in a med lab," she said, suppressing another yawn. "Rico and I worked on Lieutenant Lawrence's case," she said softly. "You seem well rested," she commented. "Or is it because we are on our way?" she asked with a small smile.

Da`nal returned her grin as he took his seat while they waited on the other to arrive.

Kage arrived a short time later, freshly changed and in a clean uniform. He took his seat with a quick look around at the others, waiting to hear the details forthcoming.

Rhys arrived as well, casually sauntering through the door, looking as if she owned the place but completely unsure of what her real purpose here was to be. What, exactly, did a non-Starfleet morale officer do anyway?

Wandella grinned as she took her seat. At least she wasn't the last to arrive, being otherwise 'detained' with Tarryn.

Rico was the last to arrive. Not good when you were a new member a crew especially a higher ranking member to boot. Entering the briefing room with his Padd and a machiatto, "Pardon my tardiness sir. It was a long night."

Da`nal made no indication as whether he was irritated on not. "So I hear, take your seat Doctor."

Now that everyone had arrived Da`nal cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Well as you all know we have left Star Base 47 after some extensive repairs." He looked to Lt. Flaherty with a nod before continuing. "I had hoped to conclude our stay there with a race between our own Lt. Kristere, but her opponent was transferred and we received our orders so that shot that down. It's too bad to. I was rather looking forward the watching you beat Lt. Bell."

"Not as much as I was looking forward to beating him, Keptin." Wandella smirked.

Da`nal grinned at the comments. "Alright.... Our next assignment is a simple one. Proceed to SB 29, pick up some diplomats and take them to Vulcan. Once we drop them off we are then to head to Deep Space 5 for further orders.

"This will provide ample opportunity for training. Mr Silonez had pointed out that there maybe some crew members in need of some weapons re-qualification. Mr. Silonez coordinate with Mr. Kage."

"Accept for security about two thirds of the crew aren't up to date, and some don't have there qualifications for TR-110 at all, I think Mr Kage and I will be busy." Silonez commented.

"Agreed," Kage confirmed with a quick nod. "But the situation is far from bleak."

"Well that will keep security busy on our journey. Miss Kelan if you will see to our guests accommodations."

Ayren nodded. "Of course," she said, making a note on her PaDD. "I will need all the necessary information."

Miss Rhys, I trust you will find the supplies adequate? How are the plans for you bar/lounge coming?"

"Plans have had a number of delays but are proceeding steadily," Rhys responded.

"Good. Get them to Mr Flaherty as soon as possible. We don't want his people getting bored, now do we?" He said rhetorically.

"Ah'll second that, Sar," Mac chimed in, "You cannae blame us though, you know what they say aboot idle hands."

"I've heard plenty of things about idle hands," Rhys commented in return, a grin threatening along with a sparkle in her eyes, "They find things to occupy them."

Mac was torn between staying strictly professional and having some fun with the comment, in the end choosing the middle ground of the two. Throwing a half-smile on his face he responded, "Ahh, So ye know exactly what I mean love," He leaned back in his chair as his smile grew some, "Make sure ye don' keep me waitin'."

"You'll have something to work with when we leave here," Rhys said, "I promise." It was difficult to tell whether she was being sarcastic or truthful. There was a hint of a smirk in both her eyes and her tone.

"Ah'll be lookin' forward to that, Miss." He said matter of factly, smile still in place. He glanced around to the pairs of eyes at the table as they looked on at him, almost as if he'd forgotten they weren't alone in the room, "What are ye' all lookin' at?" He questioned with mock seriousness.

Da`nal waited as the chuckling subsided before he continued. His crew had been through a lot so some joint levelty was good to see. "As most of you can see," waving towards Dr. Montoya, "we have a new Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Montoya has been looking into what has been causing Lt. Lawrence's odd behavior. Your findings Doctor?"

Montoya nodded to his Captain as he looked to the other in the room he had yet met. His smiled warmly to everyone, noticing the prolonged gaze by the Petty Officer he had seen earlier in security, near the end of the table.

"Sir, I'm sorry but I would prefer to discuss this with you later for reasons patient confidentiality."

"Yes yes... I understand. After this briefing then."

"Thank you sir. If I could have Miss Kelan and Lt. Skykin remain for that meeting?"

"Very well. If there is nothing further I have one other bit of business. Petty Officer Logan, step forward."

Jessica rose tentatively, but didn't even get around her chair before the comm sounded.

"Captain we have a priority one communication coming in from Starfleet...."


Captain Da`nal

LCDR Don Killian

Ayren Kelan
CDO /Counselor

LT Mac Flaherty

LT Silonez Ericson
CIO USS Freedom Tf21

LtJG Wandella Kristere

Ltjg Jason Kage

Morale Officer/Bartender


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