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What to do...

Posted on 26 Mar 2010 @ 12:01pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,007 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Timeline: MD 1 - 1335


Da`nal stood from his desk and walked out onto the bridge. The officer of the day sounded attention, "Captain on the Bridge."

"As you were, We have new orders so sound the recall. All shore leave will end at 1600 hrs this evening. Beta and Gamma shifts will see to the prelaunch preperations. All senior staff will ensure there department are readied."

"Aye sir," came the reply from the officer..

As he headed back into the ready room he tapped his commbadge, =^=Cmdr Killian report to my ready room.=^=

=^= On my way =^=. Don had a very good idea what this could be about, and wondered himself what was to be done. When he got inside the ready room he took a seat D'anal indicated. He was getting along with the CO far better than he had imagined, well so far anyway. "You wanted to see me Sir?"

"Yes we have our new orders, finally. We will be leaving at 0600 tomorrow morning. Basically what I've heard called a 'milk run'. We head to Star base 21, pick up some diplomats and take them to Vulcan. After we drop them off we head to Deep Space 5 for our nex assignment. A fairly simple assignment. Should allow everyone time to get back in the swing of things. Once we are on our way I want a meeting of the senior staff to inform them of our assignment."

"Sounds simple enough," Don said. "But yes, it is a milk run indeed, going from station to station," he said, his facial expression clearly a little bored. He pulled himself together though and leaned forward slightly. "We don't have an operational Operations Chief," Don said in his usual dry fashion, a suppressed smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"True, with Lt. Lawrence relieved of duty pending his examinations we need to put someone in charge of Operations. Any ideas?"

"As long as he is not there, I think Logan might be willing to run ops, but we will have to re-evaluate her request when and if he gets back on duty," Don suggested.

"I was thinking the same, but there is an issue of rank. We can't very well have a Petty Officer overseeing a department with other junior officers....I suppose I could just promote her."

Don nodded. "Let me just check again. Ensign Tulek was reassigned last time I checked, but it seems he is still with us. He is avaliable now." Seemed personnel had another mix up, he concluded.

"I'm not sure trading one stick in the mud for another is a good idea at this moment." Da`nal thought for a moment. He knew she had developed the abiltiy to handle herself in combat situations. That he had seen for himself. "She has kept thing running smooth as the NCOIC of Operations. Hmmm...would you say her efforts to mediate a compromise between ops and both Security and Engineering as going 'above and beyond'?"

Don nodded in agreement. "Oh yeah... definetely. Even the way she haddled that was more what one would expect from an officer, which is more than I could say from our friend in the brig," Don replied and added his comment for good measure.

"Well then, be sure she at the next meeting of the senior staff. There I will make he an acting Ensign and appoint her the head of Operation. Hopefully Mr. Montoya can find a way to fix whatever is wrong with Mr. Lawrence."

"Like a lobotomy?" he asked dryly.

Da`nal looked over at his XO he knew what it was like to rip into another person that was a less than agreeable individual. He also knew that a humans tended to do this to a greater extreme. A Klingon would deal with things in a fashion. However as a Starfleet Captain, even if he was Klingon he had to restrain his natural tendancies. With an even tone; "Commander, while in this case I may agree with your sentiments I don't want to hear that kind of comment about another member of the crew. Respect goes both ways. He may be an arrogant ass, but he is still an officer."

Don pursed his lips in resistance. "Captain, in all frankness, I am not sure he got that rank in a legitimate way. He would never have passed even the first year at the academy," he commented.

Da`nal didn't flinch at the retort. One of the reasons he had brought Don in was his frank nature. He didn't want an XO that was just a yes man. " If he was like this from the start I would agree. The fact that he did graduate shows that something has happened to make him the way he is. Do not let your personal feeling cloud your judgement."

"Right," Don said, calming down, but not entierely convinced. "I will set things in motion regarding the ops department and get Logan to come and see you." He was also concerned at what would happen, if nothing wrong was found, or it was curable.

"Good...." As he spoke his communicator sounded. =^= Cargo Bay 1 to Captain Da`nal. =^=


=^= Sir we have a large shipment request for you from a Ferengi by the mane of Mok. Given the source I thought I should double check sir.=^=

=^= Understood. Transport authorized and inform Miss Rhys that we supplies have arrived. =^=

=^= Yes sir, Cargo Bay out. =^=

The page had reminded him of anothe matter that needed to be dealt with. "Well Commander, I have to go to the station for a bit. See to our preperations for departure and inform the department heads of the briefing."

"Acknowleged," Don, said. "Frankly, the best order you had given me so far. I want to get moving."

The corner of Da`nal's mouth curled slightly and with huff he rose and followed Don out on to the bridge. He was right thou; it would be good to get going.

Lt Cmdr Donovan Killian

Capt. Da`nal


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