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Captain's Log

Posted on 19 Mar 2010 @ 11:40am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

282 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: MD 1 - 1330

After closing the lastest message from command Da`nal tapped opened his log files. "Captain's Log, USS Freedom Stardate 64818.7. We have finally recieved new orders. We are to go depart at 0600 hrs tomorrow and go to Star Base 21. Once we arrive at SB21 we are to pick up several high ranking dignataries from the Klingon Empire and escort them to Vulcan for a conference to renew several Federation-Klingon trade agreements. Once we a have delivered our passangers to Vulcan we will be returning home to Deep Space 5 where we will recieve new orders.

"The ship is more than ready. Lieutenants Flaherty and Blaire have done an excellent job in overseeing the repairs to the ship. The test will be to see how quickly the crew falls back into their routine after such a prolonged shore leave.

"The position of Chief Medical Officer and Chief Operations Officer have both been filled however there is an issue as to the conduct of Lt. Lawrence. His attitude towards other officers is such that he treats them like a sevrent...regardless of rank. Charges are pending the results of both a physical and phsycological evaluation."

--end log--

Da`nal stood from his desk and walked out onto the bridge. The officer of the day sounded attention, "Captain on the Bridge."

"As you were, We have new orders so sound the recall. All shore leave will end at 1600 hrs this evening. Beta and Gamma shifts will see to the prelaunch preperations. All senior staff will ensure there department are readied."

"Aye sir," came the reply from the officer..

As he headed back into the ready room he tapped his commbadge, =^=Cmdr Killian report to my ready room.=^=


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