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Out of the Frying Pan...

Posted on 19 Apr 2009 @ 3:52pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

3,081 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Space surrounding Deep Space 5

Everyone was pouring out of the briefing room. Some heading for stations others to the lift to get to their stations. Red lights from the alert displays tinted the bridge. As a former security chief he was used to standing though an engagement so he didn't bother taking a seat in the command chair.

"There's no time to be clever anymore. Someone in Ops deployed the AHDA ships before the fighter even had a chance to for up! "

=^= "Commanders Da`nal and Monteros, you have a green light. Docking bays doors are open." =^= and he added, "good luck" under his breath.

=^= "Acknowledged."=^=

=^="Da`nal to remaining craft. Firestiorm and Lockridge take flanking positions. Fighter groups Alpha and Bravo stick with the Ashton. All other craft follow us out and proceed to your targets! Qapla!" =^=

"Helm take us out a 3/4 impulse and increase to full once we clear the doors!"

"Aye, sir. Ahead three quarters." DeHavilland replied, his hands moving quickly across the CoNN station. The ship began moving steadily ahead through the bay towards the open doors. As the ship neared the last few meters of the bay, he called again over his shoulder. "Full impulse." he said, pushing the ship faster and clearing the bay completely.

"Qapla!" T'Pal repeated and could help to feel a very Klingon exhilleration as she took position behind her stations. She immediately activated the sensors and setting the computer to predict the flightbpath of their target ship the moment it becomes visible as well as to pinpoint the coordinates where the torpodo's should be deployed for maximum impact. "Phazers are ready, torpedo's ready to be deployed," she announced to the CO.

As the Romulans were in position and firing on two of the station 4 bay doors their exit from bay entry 3 allowed them to flank the Romulan formation. The D'deridex Warbird loomed ahead and they were closing fast as it began to turn towards them in order to bring her weapons to bare. "Take us in low and tight, full phasers, have the escorts open up with their torpedoes."

DeHavilland's fingers traced along the control edges of his panel, his commands maneuvering the ship as it closed the distance between them and the Romulan formation, adjuting the Freedom's angle against the turning Warbird to give the Tactical Officer a better shot along their side. Their approach was low, leaving just enough room for Phaser fire, and adjusted to streak along the long axis of the ship before moving past into the space beyond.


T'Pal's fingers danced over the console as she fired the phazers. "Direct hit, minor damage to their shields" she reported

The Freedom streaked over the Romulan ship, her phasers impacting the Romulan shields. Just behind to both port and starboard the Firestorm and Lockridge both firing a series of torpedoes at close range.

Elek watched, feeling vaguely useless, from the back of the bridge. He deliberately stayed out the way - the last thing anyone needed during a battle was a body in the way. He cursed as he realised how that sounded, and stayed silent.

Having been watching the viewscreen, Mari thought she caught a slight movement out of the corner of her eye and she turned just enough to catch sight of Termin standing as far away from everyone as possible and she couldn't help but smirk just a tad. He was obviously uncomfortable on the bridge and it appeared that perhaps he had as little experience there as she had.

As Elek looked round the bridge, he caught Mari's glance and offered a wry smile. He wished things could reverse a few hours, to when the two of them were sat, talking, in the captain's ready room - when things were a lot calmer. He loathed battles, and war - after all, diplomacy sought to avoid that at all costs. He looked forward to this all being over, and just taking Mari up on her offer of dinner. Now *that* was something to look forward to. He steadied himself as a phaser bolt shook the ship.

"Glancing hit, starboard nacelle." DeHavilland called out, compensating for the jolting adjustment to the Freedom's velocity.

Ahead of them, the Norexan class vessel was attempting to turn to face them. DeHavilland juked the ship downwards, sliding beneath the vessel to force their weapons officer to have to recalibrate her firing solution using the aft banks. Once beneath the vessel, DeHavilland turned abruptly to starboard and slid along the center of the larger vessel before breaking out from aft and rolling to starboard towards the first D'Deridex vessel. As he came in from the low angle, the Tactical station fired.

T'Pal respoonded quickly to the FCO's maveuvering and if she had any doubts about his flying ability, it was laid to rest. The warbird returned fire and the Freedom shook with the impact. "Shields at 91 percent and holding," she called out and reloaded the phazer banks to foire again. They would need the shield to get weaker if they wanted the torpedo's to have maximum impact.

Jessie was neverous as hell. She'd spent the majority of he career at deck moving from one base or colony to the next. ~What am I doing here?!~ She maintined her footing as the ship darted in turns that was putting stress on the ships structure. "Captain! All these sharp turns are putting sever stress on the nacelles. Structure integrity is falling."


"Port nacelle down to 80% sir."

"Noted! Tactical - Fire at will. Helm - Keep them off of us and set us up for another run. Lockridge, Firestorm take lead on the next run, I want a hole in their shield!"

"On it, sir." DeHavilland replied, arcing the ship again towards the D'Deridex vessel and rolling the Freedom along it's center axis and slowing their velocity a touch allowing the Lockridge and Firestorm to streak past while the Freedom began her approach.

Da`nal watched as the Firestorm and lockridge pounded the Romulan vessel continuing to fire as they broke off. "Target the escorts topedo impact point!"

"Aye, Captain" T'Pal answered and focussed her fire at the point of impact, this time weakening their shield enough for an explosion to accur where they had hit the warbird, breaking through their shileds at that point. It was quickly repaired though, but they did some damage. "Minor damage to their outer hull, their shields at 62 percent."

The Romulan vessel adjusted it's vector to deal with the incoming escorts, which broke off above and below the vessel firing as they went. DeHavilland turned the vessel hard to starboard, reducing power for a moment on the starboard nacelle slightly to execute the turn and save the port nacelle form further stress.

The freedom rocked as dirsupter fire hit them. "Shields at 80% and minotr damage to decks 8 through to 11,

At the far side of the battle a chain of torpedoes erupted from the station followed by a brilliant flash as a ship exploded.

"Sir, one vessel has been destroyed!" Jessie feeeling were mixed, they had taken out the enemy but all those lives...gone.

Da`nal felt the exhileration of victory ~the guardian platforms are online.~ "Now its our turn!" Once again the Freedom and the remaining escort moved in on the D'deridex Class Warbird.

DeHavilland smiled from his station at the Commander's enthusiasm. He was ready to prove himself to the Commander and the rest of the crew...particularly those in the meeting that thought him too cocky. Turning back to the task at hand, he quickly maneuvered the Freedom towards the last Warbird streaking quickly along its side. His scanner's, linked with Tactical, indicated their shields were weakening as they fired moving past. An idea struck him. If their shields were ready to buckle, all they needed was to keep fire, but if they went too far past they would be back within weapons range and they couldn't hold up to more damage.

Their celebration was short live as to the Freedoms starboard a flight of scorpions dove in out of nowhere and attacked the Lockridge. Their combined fire on the battle weary escort was too much for her to bare and she exploded, taking two of the fighters with her.

As the Freedom was about to streak past the aft portion of the Warbird, DeHavilland kicked the port thruster into full reverse and the starboard into full impulse, spinning the ship like a top. He stopped the spin once they were about 180degrees and lowered the bow as he slid the ship sideways behind the Warbird, maxing out the nacelle's as he did. The Chief's going to hate me when this is over, he thought to himself.

Once at the opposite side of the massive Warbird, DeHavilland pushed forward at full impulse, streaking along the opposite side and rotating the ship perpendicular to the Warbird to allow T'Pal to maintain the phaser contact.

The phaser fire had started to pay of and they burned a hole in the warbird's shields, weakening it sufficiently. An explosion confirmed that they had breached the hull. "Their shields are at 32 percent and they have major damage to the outer hull. "We have only aft phasers left, " T'Pal informed Da'nal. "We need another pass so I can deploy the aft torpedoes. I will forward the coordinates to Flight Control" she said and sent the information through to DeHavilland.

DeHavilland's panel chirped in confirmation of receipt of T'Pal's Coordinates.

"Damn!" he exclaimed.

T'Pal glanced at the FCO, knowing full well what it would take for him to fly according to the coordinates she forwarded to him.

He quickly slid his fingers across the control surfaces of the panel and bucked the Freedom upwards, rolling her onto her back and pushing the nacelle's micrometers from their breaking points. His own panel sparked and exploded with feedback as he attempted to roll the Freedom over, pointing the ventral side towards the D'Deridex. I hope this is the final run, he thought to himself, I'm out of tricks.

The bridge crew was preforming exceptionally and the ship was holding together inspite of some outragous flying from the helm. "Take us out and deploy the torpedoes. Hold them in the tractor beam. Get us as close to C as you can. Divert power to strengthen the emitters. We will hold our course to the last possible second. Helm time to thread the needle."

"Torpedo bays are open and ready, " One by one they were released, ready to be picked up by the tractor beam, which once activated caught them in it's hold, pulling them along the ship in a deadly wake.

The Freedom began her run. The Firestorm took the lead as the they accelerated towards their mark, fire with all the escort had to further weaken the Warbirds shields. The Freedom's weapons firing around her.

The ship quickly accelated the Warbird loomed closer and closer trying to defend herself.

A torpedo leaped out for the Freedom and the Firestorm swung into its path; protecting them with their lives as the escort burst into a glorious ball of flame as the Freedom flew through the fireball.

"Hold your course!"

Jessie was sweating, she couldn't look at the view screen so she concentrated on her terminal. The tractor beam emitters were beginning to fluctuate. "Sir we're about to loose the emitters.


"We'll burn them out sir!"

"Burn them out then! They only need to hold a few more seconds!"

[Romulan Warbird Ayhler]

Si'Van gripped the console in front of him as the damage control teams rushed across the bridge to try to put out the frequent fires that were beginning to engulf the bridge. He coughed as he tried to ascertain the status of the remaining vessels. So far the remaining Romulan fighters had decimated the contingent of Federation Fighters, however the larger vessel still continued to fight.

"Commander! The Federation vessel has deployed torpedoes. . .but they haven't detonated them. They appear to simply be trailing behind the vessel." The younger solider stated as he tried to read his console through the rise of smoke. "They're beginning to accelerate in a direct path towards us, should I open fire?" he asked.

Si'Van smiled slightly as he walked back to his command chair and climbed into it. He looked at the screen as a valiant Romulan Fighter removed the USS Firestorm from the battle in a engulfing blaze of fire.

"ORDERS SIR!?!" The young solider said as he observed the Freedom approaching closer and closer.

Si'Van wiped the blood that had accumulated from the gash at the top of his head. He recognized the maneuver the Federation was performing. In a different time and place he would commend the vessel for its moxey, however today was a different day.

"I want you to fire three un-detonated torpedoes at these coordinates." Si'Van stated as he inputted the coordinates into the tactical computer.

"But sir, those coordinates are outside of the direct path of the Federation vessel, it is at a 45 degree incline, the vessel is not within the torpedo's range." The officer yelled over the emergency klaxons that indicated the Warbird's deteriorating condition.

"Yes, I know. What those impulsive humans have not realized is that our singularity core creates an intense gravitational pull upon immediate detonation. In a normal situation, the Federation would not be affected, however I'm certain that they are going to immediately divert their course at the last minute to avoid colliding with this vessel, therefore putting such an intense strain on their maneuvering thrusters that they won't be able to fully pull away and . . ." Si'Van stated.

" . . .and their vessel will fly directly into the path of the torpedoes." The tactical officer stated. "But will it destroy them?" He inquired quickly.

Si'Van walked back towards his chair somberly before responding. "It probably won't, but the damage inflicted and the lives lost will forever guarantee that they'll remember this battle long after the flames of betrayal have been extinguished." Si'Van stated.

"You have served the Empire with distinction and purpose." he stated calmly as he observed the Freedom's final tactical approach. "Drop shields and fire" Si'Van stated with finality.

[USS Freedom]

"NOW! Cut the emitters and pull up Hard!"

At teh order T'Pal cut the torpedoes loose.. "Emittiers cut, the torpedoes are released," T'Pal said.

As the torpedoes went on their way, CJ slid his palm quickly across his panel sending the Freedom upwards with a quick reverse burst from the nacelle's and then sending them into full impulse, rocketing the ship away from the torpedoes blast. There went any chance the Chief might like me, he said to himself. His suspicions confirmed by the reading on his panel - port nacelle at 35%.

The torpedoes found there mark passing through the nonexistent Romulan shields and began to ricochet inside the upper and lower hulls of the Warbird.

"Jor!" (detonate)

"Aye," T'Pal said, tapping the console at the same time. Within a fraction of a second the torpodoes received their instruction and were ready to deliver their deathly blow to the Romulan vessel.

The two vessels performed in an orchestrated symphony-like manner as they both maneuvered into their final positions. As the Freedom released its strained hold on the torpedoes, the Ayhler's aft launchers released its final salvo into the targeted location as the Federation vessel maneuvered out of the anticipated path of the Warbird's inevitable and cataclysmic destruction.

The torpedoes exploded against the inner hulls of the Romulan Warbird, followed by massive secondary explosions until finally the entire ship exploded. The immediate backlash of the forced quantum singularity's detonation created the immediate contraction of surrounding space placing the torpedoes into a direct path of the diverting Freedom.

"Torpedoes dead ahead!


DeHavilland didn't pause for a moment before pushing the final 35% on the nacelle and executing an audacious series of turns and jukes, spinning the Freedom on its long axis as they went, avoiding debris and other detritus by only a few meters as he orchestrated their escape with their following escort; doing his best to forge the way. A large chunk of something bounced off the dorsal shielding between the nacelle's, bringing them dangerously close to another large piece, but CJ diverted thier velocity quickly - his efforts rewarded by a power spike in his own panel that sparked and exploded, very nearly knocking him out of his chair as it sent pieces of the crystal glass outwards.

"We're clear" DeHavilland called out loudly, touching his hand to his face and looking down at the red stain on his fingers. He blinked his eyes quickly and experimentally, ok, I can still see...I'm ok, he thought to himself.

"Captain, No escape pods detected from the warbird, I think the last attack caused an explosion in the power distribution systems," Silonez reported from the science station.

= Vrelnec =

=/= “Attention all ships in the area. This is the Federation Starship Pendragon…all aggressing vessels, stand down immediately or you will be fired upon!†=/=

Fveirrolh glanced around the bridge, his uncle had retreated into the ready room and he had been quite clear in his words 'do not disturb me again'.

Fine, Fveirrolh thought as he listened to the broadcast; the Ayhler was lost, they would never stand down and the improvised mines the federation ship had deployed were already eating into her hull.

He swung himself into his uncle's chair though his eyes remained on the display. The way out was clear, straight across close to the hull of the Freedom, through the wreck of the Rhianndhaell and over the station; not the easiest of rides, but with a ship this manouvrable it could be done.

"Take us out of here, now!"


Jessie wiped her brow with a trembling hand. "Captain the Romulan's are breaking off heading into Federation space! They're cloaking."

"Lay in a pursuit course along the last tragectory. Sensors to full....Find that ship."


Lt. Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding the USS Freedom

Lt T'Pal

Ltjg "CJ" DeHaviland
CFCO USS Freedom

Lt. Mariposa Rodriguez
XO USS Freedom

Ltjg Termin Elek
CDO / Counselor USS Freedom

Lt. Silonez Eircson
CIO USS Freedom

Fveirrolh t'Illialhlae NPC played by Louise/Isha

Warbird Ayhler - NPC's played by Dorian Gabriel


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